"Learning Analytics Has Great Potential for the Future of Learning"
Berlin, December 2015 -- When it comes to learning analytics, universities have clearly taken the lead. At LEARNTEC 2016, Prof. Dr. Albrecht Fortenbacher of Berlin's University of Applied Sciences for Technology and Economics will address the issue of how business and industry can benefit from academia's experience, standards, and guidelines. » MORE
"One problem is that many users are careless"
Karlsruhe, December 2015 - As a professor of IT security at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Jörn Müller-Quade deals with issues such as secure cloud computing, security definitions and models, and general security issues. As a speaker at the LEARNTEC 2016 convention, he will put eLearning security issues under the microscope and provide information on the areas that pose major risks in the realm of education. » MORE
Virtual College Celebrate Twenty-Year Aanniversary
Ilkley (UK), November 2015 - Over 200 staff, partners, and friends celebrated Virtual College's twenty-year anniversary at the Craiglands Hotel in Ilkley. Yorkshire-based Virtual College was one of the pioneers in the online-learning arena and is enjoying a major surge in growth. » MORE
University of Edinburgh Puts Video at the Heart of Learning
London (UK) / New York, NY (USA), November 2015 - Kaltura, a leading video-technology provider, has announced that the University of Edinburgh, which is consistently ranked in the top fifty universities worldwide, has selected the Kaltura video platform for a new Media Asset Management service. Edinburgh is currently piloting the centralized platform with plans to go live University wide by the start of the 2016 academic year. » MORE
New MOOC on Micronutrients and Malnutrition
Wageningen (NL), November 2015 - Want to learn more about malnutrition and micronutrients and how they influence human health? Then follow the new MOOC Nutrition and Health Part 2: Micronutrients and Malnutrition (NUTR102x) of Wageningen University. It started on 9 November and will take seven weeks. » MORE
"Universities Will Give ECTS Credits for MOOCs"
Lausanne (CH), November 2015 - Pierre Dillenbourg is professor of learning technologies at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) and academic director of the Center for Digital Education. His session at OEB, "MOOCs: Here to Stay" will afford insight into best practices for MOOCs. The event takes place Thursday, 03 December 2015 from 11:45 to 13:00. » MORE
"Anonymity Leads to a Certain Feeling of 'Safety'"
Munich (GER), December 2015 - "Platform-Based Learning: Risks and Possibilities Regarding Interactive and User-Generated Content Platforms" is the title of an OEB session on Thursday, 03 December 2015 at 14:15-15:15. Kerstin Bäcker from the Lausen law firm in Munich, Germany, will help participants acquire a clearer picture of the opportunities and potential risks of the use of Internet content. » MORE
Teaching with Cases and Studying Students' Learning
Frederiksberg (DK), December 2015 - Christian Poulsen, from the Copenhagen Business School in Denmark, will present a tool called "Casemaker" on Thursday, 03 December from 14:30 to 16:00. Casemaker is software that supports the case-based teaching method, using multimedia cases and allowing teachers to take control of the process at every moment. » MORE
Kinesthetic-Based Educational Games GeoMoto and Pangean
Los Angeles, CA (USA), October 2015 - Staying true to its mission, GameDesk has released two new and novel interactive gaming titles for education for the IOS, Android, and Leap Controller/PC platforms. GeoMoto and Pangean are embodied learning experiences allowing players to learn through direction and movement-creating geographic features by pulling, smashing, and grinding tectonic plates and moving entire continents. » MORE
How to Deal with Human Trafficking
Ilkley (UK), October 2015 - A new online course, "Trafficking, Exploitation, and Modern Slavery", has been developed to help support professionals' and individuals' understanding of human trafficking. » MORE