
EU Study

Tax Incentives for Education and Training

Thessaloniki (GR), October 2009 - Cedefop has announced the publication of their recent study 'The use of tax incentives to support education and training in six selected Member States' (Germany, France, Ireland, Austria, the Netherlands and Finland). The study shows that there is considerable scope for tax incentives to cover a greater share of investment in education and training than they do today. » MORE

New Publication

Distance and eLearning in Transition

Budapest (HU), October 2009 - EDEN Online has announced a new joint publication by ISTE and Wiley, "Distance and eLearning in Transition - Learning Innovation, Technology and Social Challenges". The book is a selection of the strongest EDEN conference papers from the past few years, revisiting research, innovation, and professional practice in distance and eLearning. » MORE

Collaborative Technologie

Are You Ready for Learning with Web 2.0?

Brussels (BE), July 2009 - CERTPOINT Systems, a provider of corporate training solutions, has announced the publication of the white paper "Are you ready for learning with web 2.0?". The paper explores how collaborative technologies such as blogs, wikis, and social networking can dramatically increase the reach and impact of organizational learning. » MORE

Sales Trends

Financial Services Industry Research Report

Philadelphia, PA (USA), July 2009 - Richardson, a global sales-training and performance- improvement firm has released a new financial services industry report entitled "Sales Trends and Strategic Initiatives". The work reviews strategic adjustments to business processes, practices, and skill development in the financial services industry. » MORE

Market Trends

Open Source Continues to Change the Business World

Brighton (UK), July 2009 - Is the business model of the future one where the customer no longer pays? Kineo explores the ideas of author Chris Anderson's book "Free: The Future of a Radical Price" and its implications for eLearning. Anderson argues that people are generally suspicious of 'free' and that, generally, they have been right to think this way. Most existing business models have tended to demand that somewhere along the line, somebody has to pay. But this, he says, is set to change. Andersen argues that in the digital world, everybody else can be subsidized by only a very few paying customers. » MORE

Skills in Europe

Qualifications Are Rising, but Inequalities Persist

Thessaloniki (GR), June 2009 - The level of qualifications and skills is rising across Europe, particularly among younger people - and even more so among women. But inequalities in the level of education persist among Member States. These are some of the conclusions of the first pan-European forecast of its kind, Future skill supply in Europe: medium-term forecast up to 2020, published by Cedefop. » MORE

Sharing Information

White Paper: Delivering Assessments Safely and Securely

Norwalk, CT (USA), April 2009 - Questionmark has released a white paper that takes a new look at ways to keep tests secure and offers special-focus Web seminars on Authoring, Reporting, Perception 4.4. The white paper explains cost-effective security measures that match each assessment's stakes. It further suggests security solutions and testing environments for everything from low-stakes satisfaction surveys to high-stakes licensure exams. » MORE

Vocational Training

Cedefop Report on European Policy Cooperation

Thessaloniki (GR), April 2009 - Ján Figel', European Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Youth, recently announced the publication of Cedefop's latest policy report, entitled Continuity, consolidation and change. The communiqué was issued at the Agora conference, held in Thessaloniki under the auspices of the Czech Presidency of the EU. » MORE

Email Charter

You've Got Mail…on Average 2,769 Emails in Your Inbox

London (UK), January 2009 - New research indicates that a lack of email protocol fuels employee email stress and wastes up to one hour per day. Expert Messaging reacted to this with an Email Charter that serves as a useful tool to professionalize online communication. » MORE

Continue Successes

Keeping and Gaining Customers in an Economic Downturn

London (UK), January 2009 - In an attempt to provide practical advice and guidance to organisations in the current economic climate, the organisational- development consultancy Echelon is offering its customers free access to a paper on 'retaining customers in an economic downturn'. » MORE