
Creating Connections

Elluminate's Fire and Ice Project Wins Award

Calgary, AB (CA), December 2009 - Elluminate, Inc., a provider of web, audio, video, and social networking solutions that support 21st-century teaching, learning, and collaboration, has announced that its Fire and Ice initiative has been awarded iNACOL's Best and Most Innovative Online Learning Practice award. » MORE

Education Worldwide

Global Non-Profit Reaches 1.5 Million Children

Ardmore, PA (USA), November 2009 - E-Learning for Kids (EFK) was launched in 2005 by a small, all-volunteer and virtual team of business and education professionals with a dozen courses and a few hundred online users. In 2009 alone, EFK has reached more than 1.5 million children in 192 countries, who have taken more than 5 million courses. » MORE

Strategic Partnership

Building the Next Generation of Online Courses

Austin, TX (USA), November 2009 - Florida Virtual School (FLVS), a developer and provider of virtual K-12 education solutions, has announced strategic partnership with Giunti Labs, a provider of learning content management and digital repository solutions, to create a state-of-the-art Learning Content Management System (LCMS). » MORE

Keep in Touch

Using Technology to Keep Parents Informed

Coventry (UK), November 2009 - The report, Schools and parents: A new partnership, part of Becta's 'Next Generation Learning' campaign is now available for download. It suggests that simple technologies such as online reporting can support a new, more effective partnership between parents and schools. » MORE


ELearning Needs Tutoring - Tutoring Needs Competence

Vienna (AT), November 2009 - In cooperation with the Austrian teacher-training institute "e-LISA Academy" and the Danube University Krems, common sense eLearning & training consultants GmbH has developed a practice-oriented education-training program for online tutors. The first run was successful and had a high number of attendees. The alumni gave positive feedback and felt confident in handling the learning platform - in this case Moodle -, moderating, and giving feedback during an eLearning course. » MORE

In the Hinterlands

Educational Technology for Urban Schools

Sao Paulo (BR), November 2009 - Betina von Staa is a doctor of Applied Linguistics at the Catholic University in São Paulo, Brazil. She is also research coordinator for Educational Technology at Positivo Informática, and she has also worked in face-to-face and in distance teacher professional development. Here, Dr. von Staa offers her insights into the impact of educational technology in her country. » MORE

Social Media

Growing Up in Public: Digital Identity and Youth

Brussels (BE), November 2009 - The meaning and importance of digital identity across formal and informal lifelong learning pathways will be one of the topics at ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN 2009. Margarita Perez Garcia from MENON is one of the presenters who will discuss the issues of the management and control of our digital identity, as well as the impact that our increased online visibility, through the use of the social web, has on our digital lives. » MORE

Public-Private Model

The Jordan Education Initiative

Amman (JO), November 2009 - The session -œMENA Atelier- discusses challenges faced by the MENA region with regard to eLearning and ICT and also highlights important achievements. One of the projects that will be presented is the Jordan Education Initiative. Mustafa Nasereddin, Executive Director of the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization in Jordan and also founding chairman of the Union of Arab ICT Associations, IJMA3, has been involved in a wide range of human development and technology management projects and is building on a continuous development of eLearning in Jordan's schools. » MORE

UK Pilot

First Nationwide Visualiser-Seeding Project

London (UK), October 2009 - Elmo UK is piloting the first nationwide visualiser- seeding project in the UK. Over three hundred schools are currently testing Elmo Visualisers in their classrooms for a ten-week period to see how it aids teaching primary and secondary-school children in a range of subjects. » MORE

Strategic Project

1,500 Teachers Will Learn to Create Educational Software

Bucharest (RO), October 2009 - (by Elena Lita) The Romanian Ministry of Education and Research has launched the "The Teacher - Educational Software Developer" strategic project that is to be implemented between September 2009 - September 2011 (24 months). The target of the project is three million pupils around the country. » MORE