What Would a Ted Speaker Say to Ten Year Olds?
Brussels (BE), May 2011 - You can find out next month at a new kind of TEDx event called TEDxKIDS@Brussels on 01 June. The organisers have invited a team of extraordinary experts (many of them former TED speakers) for a day in Waterloo, Belgium. » MORE
New Child-Friendly Website on Animal Health
Denver, CO (USA), May 2011 - The new website launched by the Morris Animal Foundation features dogs, cats, horses, llamas, and lots of wildlife species - and the scientists who are working to keep them healthy. » MORE
e2020 Inc. Expands Business Offerings
Scottsdale (AZ), May 2011 - education2020 (e2020), a provider of core and elective instruction in a virtual setting for students in grades 6-12, has announced a restructuring of its executive team. The aim is to offer the highest level of innovation, service, and results as the company expands its business into other strategic arenas including virtual schools and mobile platforms. » MORE
eTwinning School Projects of the Year Announced
Brussels (BE), April 2011 - Now in its seventh year, the European Commission's "eTwinning" scheme involves more than 130,000 teachers in 31 countries who are using information and communication technologies (ICT) to set up cross-border educational projects. From over 300 project submissions, the winners of the eTwinning Prizes competition in three age categories and five special categories were recently announced. » MORE
New Book Launched and Volunteers Wanted
Ardmore, PA (USA), April 2011 - eLearning for Kids, a global non-profit foundation offering free courseware, has launched a new book entitled "Next Learning, Unwrapped" by Nick van Dam, (Ph.D.). The organization is also setting off on a new project that will offer a complete K-6 Math curriculum. » MORE
Italian Ministry of Education Engages goFLUENT
Rome (IT), March 2011 - The Italian Ministry of Education has become the second European government department - following France's Education Ministry - to work with goFLUENT, a provider of distance English training, in offering English language learning for schoolchildren. » MORE
Kazakhstan Invests in Language Teaching
Turku (FI)/Astana (KZ) March 2011 - Kazakhstan is transforming the country's entire education system with its "Towards Competitive Kazakhstan" programme. The aim of the Ministry of Education and Science is to upgrade the quality of education on all study levels and to integrate Kazakhstan into the world economy by developing internationally competitive skills. There is especially a need for more extensive studies in foreign languages such as Russian and English. » MORE
e-Government National Awards 2010
London (UK), February 2011 - The Belfast-based eLearning company Aurion Learning is celebrating the award of a prestigious e-Government National Award 2010 for their project EalingHELP. The project was honoured with the "Building a fairer society with e-Government services" award in recognition of its commitment to using ICT and e-government services to improve social inclusion or improve lives and communities. » MORE
HEXTLEARN Community Update
Budapest (HU), February 2011 - When the HEXTLEARN project ended in 2010, the project partners decided to continue maintaining the community for the future. The final research results are now online on the HEXTLEARN community: The Good Practice Collection, the Virtual Peer Review Report, and the Living Toolkit are fully accessible for free. Community members may further request a Virtual Peer Review process from now on based on the fully tested methodology. » MORE
Save the Children Improves Employee Engagement
Santa Monica, CA (USA), February 2011 - Cornerstone OnDemand has announced that global non-profit Save the Children is using Cornerstone's comprehensive talent-management software solution to better engage its employees - and, in turn, further its mission of achieving breakthroughs in how the world treats children. » MORE