Six Ways in Which Learning Will Never Be the Same
Lincolnshire (UK), July 2020 - One day we will return to our pre-coronavirus lives, and Covid-19 (and 2020 in general) will just be a painful memory. However, it's going to take a while, and some things might never be the same, including the learning sector. Why do we think learning will have changed forever? The disruption to the sector and the enforced changes that have had to be made have given educators all over the world the opportunity to think about how learning is delivered.
» MORELearning Pool Release Future of Work Library
Derry (UK), July 2020 - To follow the initial launch of Learning Pool's Coronavirus Course Essentials library aimed at addressing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic back in April, the full-service eLearning solutions provider has now released a "Future of Work" library, with updated coronavirus modules to help organizations and its colleagues adjust to the "new normal" of working.
» MOREBritish Employees Want to Keep Working from Home
London (UK), June 2020 - Sixty-eight percent of employees currently working from home want to continue to do so in the future, and only 44% say that they can't wait to go back to their offices in the Skillcast WFH Insights Survey 2020 conducted by YouGov.
» MOREL&D Will Never Be the Same Again
Cirencester (UK), June 2020 - Ninety-five percent of learning leaders say their strategy has changed forever. As the response to the COVID-19 pandemic shifts gears across Europe, Fosway Group, a major European HR industry analyst, has shared new research on the impact of the crisis on corporate learning and development strategies, priorities, and spending. The report includes practical insight into what is truly helping employees learn in this moment of crisis - and what's not.
» MOREMaximizing Impact in the Virtual Classroom
Hyderabad (IN), May 2020 - Organizations across the globe are struggling to cope with the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown up. Classroom training is no longer an option for employee training, with both the trainers and employees working from home. Classroom instructors are now faced with the seemingly impossible task of making the transition to the virtual space.
» MOREThe Manager's Lockdown Toolkit - for Now and the Future
London (UK), May 2020 - These days, Marshall E-Learning is launching The Manager's Lockdown Toolkit - Guidance for now and the future. The Toolkit is immediately available to Marshall's client community, which includes most universities in the UK and every university in the Republic of Ireland.
» MORERapid Research into How COVID-19 Is changing L&D
Cirencester (UK), May 2020 - Fosway Group, a European HR industry analyst, recently opened new rapid research into the impact of COVID-19 on organisational learning and development. The goal of the research is to provide practical insight into what's really happening in corporate L&D, as organisational and financial priorities evolve during the COVID-19 crisis.
Docebo to Offer Virtual Learning Platform Heart & Stroke
Toronto (CA), May 2020 - To meet the new reality of public health measures, including physical distancing, Docebo has donated nine months of free use of their leading AI-powered online learning platform to Heart & Stroke. This will allow the health charity to continue to deliver critical training during the COVID-19 pandemic in a safe manner.
» MOREPost-COVID-19 Economy - "Robots Create Jobs"
Frankfurt (GER), May 2020 - Companies around the world are increasing their use of industrial robots: Within five years, the global operational stock rose by about 65 percent to 2.4 million units (2013-2018). For the same period of time, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported a positive impact on the job market: Employment in the automotive industry - the largest adopter of robots - increased by 22%, from 824,400 to 1,005,000 jobs (2013-2018).
» MOREJoint Statement on the Use of OER in the Covid-19 Response
Paris (F), May 2020 - In response to the massive disruption of education due to the Covid-19 pandemic affecting 1.57 billion learners in 191 countries, UNESCO has issued a Call to support learning and knowledge sharing through Open Educational Resources (OER) worldwide.