learning trends
Most Organizations Need to Improve "Ineffective" Strategies
Toronto (CA), September 2016 - Most businesses question the effectiveness of their learning-and-development (L&D) strategies in actually meeting business goals according to a new study by Brandon Hall Group (BHG) on the current state of L&D. The report, State of Learning and Development 2016: Ready to Evolve, surveyed nearly 500 small, medium, and large organizations in 22 countries and across 35 industries to develop a clear picture on the strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and opportunities for businesses from an L&D perspective.
Hangout Connects Global Learning Community
Plymouth (UK), August 2016 - A four-day online event on how to use learning technologies to innovate, integrate and inspire in the workplace brought together over 250 delegates and 25 learning experts. The Big Sponge Hangout, hosted by award-winning eLearning company Sponge UK, took place 18-21 July 2016.
New ETUCE Survey Reports Ring an Alarm Bell
Brussels (BE), May 2016 - The ETUCE has published two new survey reports, available on the ETUCE website, on the "State of Funding in Education, Teachers’ working conditions and Trade union actions, Social dialogue and Collective bargaining". One deals with Central and Eastern European countries and the other with Western European lands. The two reports are a comprehensive "state of play" that combines the outcomes of eight years of economic crisis and fiscal consolidation measures on public finance of education systems, teachers’ working conditions, the role of teacher unions, and the major trends in social dialogue and collective bargaining.