Erfolgreicher Auftritt von SZENARIS im VR/AR-Umfeld
Bremen, Juli 2024 - SZENARIS blickt auf einen erfolgreichen Auftritt auf der diesjährigen LEARNTEC zurück. Im Vergleich zum Vorjahr konnte eine deutliche Steigerung der Besuchenden am Stand verzeichnet werden. Neben dem intensiven Austausch mit vielen neuen Interessenten waren auch die Gespräche mit Bestandskunden von großer Bedeutung, um aktuelle Projekte und zukünftige Entwicklungen zu besprechen. Darunter u. a. das Virtual Reality-Trainingssystem für den Einsatz des neuartigen Ponton-Boots HYDRA, das Virtual Reality-Game QuantumVR oder die Lernprogrammreihe "Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz".
» MEHRLEARNTEC 2024: Treffpunkt für Innovatoren im digitalen Lernen
Karlsruhe, Juni 2024 - Ob Digitalpakt 2.0, Lernen mit Künstlicher Intelligenz oder exklusive Einblicke in die Entstehung einer nationalen Bildungsplattform – nach drei erfolgreichen Veranstaltungstagen starten die Besuchenden der 31. Ausgabe der LEARNTEC, Europas bedeutendster Veranstaltung für digitale Bildung, mit zahlreichen Innovationen und Impulsen im Gepäck in ihre Lernwelt der Zukunft. Messe, zahlreiche Vortragsformate und Workshops sowie ein Outdoorbereich mit Festivalcharakter gaben Raum für Business und Begegnung.
Newbies und Experten Orientierung im Technologie-Dschungel
Karlsruhe, Juni 2024 - Die eLearning-Community ist für ihr jährliches "Klassentreffen" gerüstet: Auf der LEARNTEC, Europas bedeutendste Veranstaltung für digitale Bildung in Schule, Hochschule und Beruf, können sich Bildungsexperten und -Einsteiger wieder zu den neuesten Trends und Innovationen auf dem Markt informieren, austauschen und untereinander vernetzen. Vom 4. bis 6. Juni 2024 präsentieren rund 400 Ausstellende ihre digitalbasierten Lösungen für den Lernalltag in drei Messehallen. Das begleitende Kongress- und Messeprogramm zeigt in praxisnahen und zukunftsweisenden Vorträgen das Lernen der Zukunft.
World Premiere at LEARNTEC: Area9 Lyceum and "AI at Its Best"
Leipzig, May 2024 -The personalized adaptive-learning specialists Area9 Lyceum can claim to have significantly advanced adaptive learning on a large scale for twenty years. With Area9 Mindflow™, the company wants to amaze the professional world. "Your jaw will drop when you experience the future possibilities in the learning process generative AI avails" smiles Andreas Kambach, Managing Director of Area9 Lyceum GmbH. Kambach is looking forward to having the company’s founder and CEO, Ulrik Juul Christensen, come to Karlsruhe to announce the world premiere.
Avatars in a Distance Learning Seminar
Darmstadt/Karlsruhe, May 2024 - The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research project AVLAB2 works with several partners to investigate the social and didactic benefits of deploying virtual learning environments. In the context of the project, the sociologist Dr. Mirjam Merkel-Kiss conducted an exploratory study into communicative behavior in virtual worlds. Her presentation about the work will take place at the LEARNTEC Congress, 06 June at 10:45.
Helping Data Get a Jump on Things with Gamified Learning
Berlin/Karlsruhe, May 2024 - "Data culture is the breeding ground in which an organization’s data literacy and business strategy can grow together. By having a strong data culture, an organization creates the environment in which the technologies used - and the data literacy of individual employees - can unfold their full effect," contends Isabelle Kranabetter. Kranabetter, the founder of Port of Ports, a new-generation consultancy and creative ‘think-and-do’ factory specializing in data culture, will address the topic of "Gamified Learning in the Data Context: Building Data Culture and Data Literacy Jointly" at the LEARNTEC Congress, 04 June at 16.30.
How AI Is Giving Storytelling a Boost
Freiburg/Karlsruhe, May 2024 - Jennifer Fritz is an expert in the field of knowledge transfer through storytelling. She focuses on teaching educators how to use storytelling to make complex and dry learning content engaging and fun for all ages. As part of the LEARNTEC congress, she will be holding a workshop on "Storytelling with the Help of AI" on 04 June 2024 from 11:30.
"Technology Is the Means to an End in Hybrid Learning Situations"
Overath/Karlsruhe, May 2024 - Trainers have already developed a variety of methods for both onsite and live online training and feel comfortable in "both worlds". However, hybrid training and workshops are viewed as the new standard. This presents everyone involved with novel challenges in terms of communication, interaction, technology, tools, and motivation. The presentation "Turning 2 into 1 - Designing Hybrid Learning Worlds" will deal with the central question of how to create a learning world in which both online and face-to-face participants feel integrated and goals are achieved communally.
Digital Escape Rooms - or How Learners Allow Themselves to Be "Enchained" Voluntarily
Munich/Karlsruhe, May 2024 - How can learners become fully involved in an eLearning context? Video games show the way: Through immersive experiences, they captivate players and allow them to immerse themselves in topics and content. Digital escape rooms offer such a learning solution with an immersive learning experience. Raphaela Gassmann from Fischer, Knoblauch & Co will present the practical example of the Miele Escape Room in her presentation Digital Escape Rooms - or How Learners Allow Themselves to Be "Enchained" Voluntarily.
"Rigid Teaching Methods Are a Thing of the Past"
Düsseldorf/Karlsruhe, May 2024 - The presentation "Individual Learning with Hyper-Personalization: AI in Healthcare and Beyond" will shed light on AI and its impact on learning. The case study from the healthcare industry illustrates how professionals can benefit from innovative technologies. Theresa Voss is cofounder of the edtech company chunkx, and will provide information on the background to AI, NLP and machine learning.