Instructional Design
Portfolio Expansion with Accredited Diploma in Instructional Design
St Albens (CA), December 2023 - Omniplex Learning, a leader in professional training and development, is proud to announce the launch of its highly anticipated Diploma in Instructional Design.
» MOREiSpring's Game-Changing Course Portfolio for Suite Max and Page
Alexandria, VA (USA), July 2023 - iSpring Solutions, Inc., a global leader in eLearning software and services, has unveiled the release of Course Prtfolio, a new functionality to showcase accomplished eLearning projects to the public. This update will provide both emerging and seasoned instructional designers with an opportunity to create, store, and showcase their best works on the same platform.
» MOREiSpring Webinar on Making eLearning More Engaging
Alexandria, VA (USA), February 2023 - Use these life hacks to supercharge your eLearning content. iSpring’s senior Instructional Designer will review actual courses created by webinar participants and share life hacks on how to make them even more engaging. The webinar takes place at 09:00 GMT, 16 February. The duration is one hour, and the event is free to attend.
» MOREOEB Global 2022 - Re-imagining Our Vision for Learning
Berlin (GER), July 2022 - This year’s Online Educa Berlin (OEB), the annual global cross-sector conference and exhibition on digital learning and training, will again take place at the Hotel InterContinental Berlin; the dates are 23-25 November 2022. This leading international event is calling all stakeholders to help shape the agenda for a rich and multi-faceted agenda and discussion.
» MOREGuyKat to Launch Global Partnership with FLOWSPARKS
London (UK), April 2022 - GuyKat has confirmed they will launch their recently announced partnership with FLOWSPARKS at this year's Learning Technologies 2022 event. The event will take place at London ExCel, 04-05 May. GuyKat will be at stand M30. The launch presentation will take place at Bitesize Learning Zone 2 at 13:35, 04 May.
FLOWSPARKS Joins Forces with GuyKat
Birmingham (UK), April 2022 - GuyKat has announced a new partnership with FLOWSPARKS, an intuitive content authoring solution. FLOWSPARKS guides authors to create great looking interactive content based on proven instructional design principles.
Zertifikat "Bildungstechnologie und eLearning"
Saarbrücken, Dezember 2020 - Digitalisierung wird in Bildung und Weiterbildung auch nach der Pandemie eine immer größere Rolle spielen. Unternehmen und Schulen brauchen Fachleute, die digitale Lehr- und Lernangebote entwickeln, aufbauen und umsetzen. Diese Fachleute weiterzubilden, ist Ziel des neu entwickelten Zertifikats "Bildungstechnologie und eLearning", kurz BiteLearning, an der Universität des Saarlandes. Das Online-Studium wurde von den renommierten Bildungswissenschaftlern Prof. Dr. Armin Weinberger und Prof. Dr. H. Niegemann der Universität des Saarlandes entwickelt.
Erfolgreiches Lernen orientiert sich an Bedürfnissen des Lerners
Wiesbaden/Freiburg, Dezember 2020 - Michael Woywode, Digital Learning Experte von HQ Interaktive Mediensysteme GmbH, stellt sich die Frage ob der Trend zum Learning Experience Design das Erstellen von Lernkonzeptenverändert. Er erläutert, worum es sich beim Learning Experience Design handelt, welche Disziplinen darunterfallen, wo die wesentlichen Unterschiede zum herkömmlichen Instructional Design liegen und inwieweit es Einfluss auf das Erstellen von Lernkonzepten und digitalen Lernerlebnissen hat. Wie wird es bereits umgesetzt und angenommen?
Resolving Skills Gaps Issues and Preparing Students for Industry
Berlin (GER), October 2019 - OEB 2019, Berlin, 27-29 November, will show learning and edtech professionals how technology can overcome skills gaps and better prepare students for the workplace. The Conference will explore the impact of AI and a new view on designing educational programmes that deliver on learners’ and employers’ needs.
» MORESay Yes to Bold and Colorful eLearning Content
Saarbrücken (GER), October 2019 - When it comes to digital learning content, the availability is overwhelming. New training trends emerge daily, ranging from game based learning to mobile learning. But where do learners find the most exciting learning content with the proverbial "wow effect"?