How to Enable Learning

Bridging the Gaps between HR Goals and Results

Unterföhring (GER), November 2012 - Growth and development are natural processes. However, several conditions must be met for these processes to happen at an optimal pace and time. A seed needs water, food, and light to grow into a tree. Which factors influence a person's development into a valued professional and how can this growth be enabled best?

HR factory has made individual and organisational development its responsibility and through years of experience has become a widely recognised service provider in HR business-process outsourcing (BPO). According to IDC, a market-intelligence company based in Massachusetts, HR outsourcing is the fastest-growing segment of BPO and is expected to grow at least sixteen percent annually in the coming years. Whilst payroll and recruiting are frequently left to external professionals, other parts of HR work like talent and training management, personnel development, and HR strategy are still often taken care of internally, even though higher expertise in the field can be found externally.

HR BPO offers organisations an opportunity to concentrate on their core competencies and activities, while their HR work is taken care of by professionals. The benefits are clear: access to significantly broader know-how than a single organisation can build and maintain internally, as well as professionally performed HR work, both of which contribute to higher effectiveness.

While still pioneering as an HR service provider, HR factory has not feared to take yet another step and take on a challenge of enabling learning. Each generation has its own stories to tell. Storytelling, therefore, unites people, organisations, and generations. Combining the possibilities of video and the advantages of storytelling, an effective medium - video scribing - has been created. Video scribing is a way to reach larger audiences and produce stronger responses. It allows the viewer-receiver to make its associations in an unconstrained and fun way.

Video scribing can be used in different ways and for various purposes. Whether a new policy needs to be communicated, a new product introduced, or a training-content video conveyed, scribing can be used. Furthermore, this medium is applicable to enhance classroom teaching and online training programmes, as well as for mobile learning. With the information packed into short video clips and combined with brief recap tests that can be reviewed and revisited as appropriate, the desired change in behaviour or attitude is more likely.

To compete in today's continuously changing markets, companies must make an effort to step ahead of their competitors in how they do business. With HR BPO, companies can redirect their currently HR-bound resources into developing their core strengths to increase their competitive advantage. Growing the seed into a tree is trusted to external professionals, whereas the fruit can be enjoyed by the organisations internally.

HR factory will introduce its innovative solutions at Online Educa Berlin, 28-30 November 2012.