Cummins Mid-South LLC Selects CERTPOINT Systems
Roslyn NY (US), August 2012 - Cummins Mid-South LLC, part of global power leader Cummins Inc , announced today that it will adopt the CERTPOINTVLS™ learning-management platform to deliver more effective and efficient training across the enterprise.
The learning-management system (LMS) will support organization- wide creation and management of learning content as well as delivery. New customized training created by the CERTPOINTVLS Content Creator will integrate with Cummins Mid-South's existing eLearning courses and instructor-led training and will be managed in one single system.
"We chose CERTPOINT Systems for its superior product, CERTPOINTVLS, and its relationship with Ultimate Software, our HRIS. We feel the integration between the two systems will allow our company to progress in our training capabilities", said Rolana Bourland, HR Generalist Cummins Mid-South.
Ara Ohanian, Chief Happiness Officer and CEO CERTPOINT Systems, added "Cummins Mid-South has an impressive goal for growths we are proud to be chosen as partners. Our aim is to help manage and deliver training effectively, ensure rapid knowledge to the front line, and support the company's business drive forward."
Cummins Mid-South is the latest in a string of new business appointments for CERTPOINT Systems, adding to the recent wins of Honda Europe and DCI Donor Services Inc.