Learning Changes

Giunti Labs Demonstrates its Lead at Learning 2007

Orlando, FL (USA)/Sestri Levante (I), October 2007 - Giunti Labs' CEO, Fabrizio Cardinali, features among the speakers at the "Learning 2007" conference, in Orlando, Florida, from 21 - 24 October. This year, the event - widely recognised as the world's premier learning technologies conference and organised by The Masie Center, headed by elearning guru Elliott Masie - focuses on "Learning Changes": changing learning content, learners, systems, issues, and learning models.

Cardinali, who is also chair of the European Learning Industry Group (ELIG), has recorded a podcast with Elliott Masie on current learning trends. He is also conducting a pre-conference session on "blending mobile, location, and virtual-worlds- based learning towards personal ambient learning".

Cardinali explained, "Since everyone in our society has valuable knowledge, skills, and abilities, we shouldn't 'write off' anyone. This means that we need to make learning opportunities available to all in order for them to develop to their fullest capabilities - and this raises accessibility issues where learning is concerned".

"Many of these issues can be addressed through the application of learning technologies, especially through games, simulations, and virtual worlds. Innovations in learning such as these should help European organisations to remain competitive in the world economy despite increasing competition from elsewhere."

In addition to outlining the trends and recent achievements in EU research and development in the field of learning technologies, Cardinali will discuss mobile learning content management; narrowcasting and "Learning Pills"; location based geo-learning, and augmented roaming across mobile and virtual learning worlds.

The following day, Cardinali participates in a panel discussion on "Perspectives on learning futures from learning suppliers" CEOs and CTOs', moderated by IDC learning industry analyst Cushing Anderson and Elliott Masie. Issues addressed in this session include the changes that are taking place in the learning marketplace and what we should expect in evolving products and services.

Later that day, Cardinali will offer a European perspective on mobile, location, and virtual-worlds content management in the light of Giunti Labs' position as Europe's leading vendor of eLearning and mobile-learning content management solutions.

In addition, Bryan Eldridge of Giunti Labs North America is conducting a session at Learning 2007 on how to add a learning content management system (LCMS), and Giunti Labs is also participating - via its international markets manager, Carin Martell - in a "standards panel" during the conference which, among other things, discusses the latest developments in SCORM.

Stephan Thieringer, Giunti Labs' COO for North America, commented, "The adoption of international standards is vital in order to bring interoperability of systems and software, thus providing common 'information space' into which learners can tap".

"Giunti Labs is a strong supporter of standards such as IEEE LTSC, ISO/IEC, JTC1/SC36,
and OKI and invests a great deal of time and effort in ensuring our products' compliance with these standards. Consequently, we are delighted that Giunti Labs' learn eXact LCMS suite has just become only the twelfth system in the world to be 'SCORM 2004 certified'."

He added, "Having established its presence in the North American market earlier this year, Giunti Labs already has numerous clients, including AT Still University, BNA, the Philadelphia Federal Credit Union, and the University of Maryland University College. With our leading-edge products and their conformity to the latest international standards, we're seeing increasing interest in our products from customers throughout the USA and, indeed, the world."