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New Official Fifty Lessons Blog

Burlington, MA (USA), April 2009 - Fifty Lessons has announced the launch of the Fifty Lessons Blog. It represents the next stage in the evolution of the monthly newsletter, Lessons' News, Tips, & Updates.

The Fifty Lessons Blog has been created to further facilitate the ease of conversation among the Fifty Lessons community of users.

What to expect from this blog:

  • Sharing of best practices and approaches to using the library
  • New lesson announcements
  • Engaging, thought-provoking conversation
  • Revisiting some of the timeless classics of the lesson library
  • Fresh insights and perspectives on using the library

A recent post is dedicated to the current crisis and titled The New Hard Times. Launched by the New York Times, this initiative encourages conversations between people who lived through the Great Depression and younger generations. Anyone who came of age during the Great Depression is in their 90s or 100s today. What do these folks have to teach the younger generation, now faced with an uncertain economic future?

One of conversations featured is with Prof. Ernest Kurnow, a 96-year old business school professor who still teaches at New York University. The New York Times arranged a conversation between Prof. Kurnow and one of his students, who said, "I'm hoping that his experience and his knowledge will give me some insight about what to look ahead for and what is going to happen in our future".