EESC to Adopt Key Opinion

Brussels, January 2006 - At the request of the Austrian Presidency, the EESC has drawn up an exploratory opinion on the road towards the knowledge-based society, which forms part of its work on the Lisbon Strategy. In its draft opinion, the EESC calls for a Common European Area of Knowledge based on clearly defined targets, benchmarks, timetables, as well as clear responsibilities.

All citizens, all sectors and all regions must be encouraged to take part and be able to reap the rewards of the knowledge society, which provides unique opportunities to bridge existing divides.

The EESC's draft opinion recommends an extensive list of measures to be taken. These include the following:

  • Obstacles to the internal market that hamper the transition to the knowledge economy must be removed as quickly as possible;
  • Free circulation of labour; researchers and students must be stimulated, accompanied by decent wages and working conditions;
  • The EU, Member States and regions must redirect their public spending toward growth-enhancing investments;
  • Member states in cooperation with private stakeholders, should commit themselves to realising a "National Programme for Boosting Knowledge" backed by EU funding;
  • The Commission's proposals concerning the 2007-13 Financial Perspectives for funding research, innovation and learning should be upheld;
  • The Commission should have more power to give policy directions and monitor progress;
  • Business, financial institutions, and private foundations should increase their investments in the knowledge economy and be supported in doing so by fiscal incentives;
  • A Charter of Lifelong Learning should be implemented and supported by public and private investments as well as by the structural funds;
  • Industrial regions, technology parks and other innovative environments should be promoted.

The EESC's draft opinion calls for the launch of a permanent and structured debate to motivate the decision makers at all levels and to further the dialogue with citizens.