2nd UNESCO-UNEVOC TVET Summit at eLearning Africa
Bonn/Berlin (GER), January 2008 - The 2nd UNESCO-UNEVOC Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Summit on access to and inclusion in TVET in Africa through new technology-based solutions will take place in the context of eLearning Africa 2008 on May 28th in Accra, Ghana. At this Summit, UNESCO-UNEVOC is seeking to promote best practice examples of the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in TVET in Africa.
Toward this goal, all organisations, groups and individuals involved in technical vocational education and training are cordially invited to submit to information about their projects. The deadline for submissions is February 28th, 2008.
ICTs are becoming increasingly important in education and training because they open up new learning pathways. Furthermore, they expand and extend access to education and training among broad sectors of the population.
In technical and vocational education and training, the use of ICTs is still very limited in many parts of the world, and through TVET's activities, UNESCO-UNEVOC attempts to foster their use. Some of the crucial issues that need to be addressed are capacity development in the use of ICTs in TVET learning and teaching, the nature of participation and collaborative learning in the context of accessibility, connectivity and localizability.
Representatives of three selected projects will be invited to present their work at the Summit (travel will be covered by the Commonwealth of Learning), and the developments of one of these projects will be followed throughout the year. It is also planned to feature the selected projects on the UNESCO-UNEVOC website.
eLearning Africa 2008 is a conference organised by ICWE GmbH and Hoffmann & Reif that focuses on ICT for development, education and training in Africa. The event establishes and links a pan-African network of decision makers from governments and administrations with universities, schools, governmental and private training providers, industry and important partners in development cooperation. Each year a different African country serves as the venue.