
ELearning Company Epic Acquired by Andrew Brode

London (UK), June 2008 - Epic, a leading eLearning company in the UK market, has been acquired by a private investor with extensive corporate and organisational learning and development interests. On 12 June 2008, Huveaux plc sold Brighton-based Epic to Andrew Brode.

Brode was involved with a number of training businesses as Chairman of Financial Training and Key Training in the 1980s. In the 1990s he was Chairman of the City of London Business Link and on the board of Focus Central London.

A chartered accountant by profession, Andrew has developed and managed major companies including Croner, Wolters Kluwer (UK) and IRS Eclipse. Today he is executive Chairman and the major shareholder in RWS Holdings plc, a leading European provider of intellectual property support services, which he floated on AIM in 2003.

Epic will add significant value to Andrew's portfolio of private investments,
which include a leading digital marketing business, an insurance industry data provider, and a B2B investment publisher. Jonathan Satchell, who was appointed by Huveaux plc as Epic's MD in December 2007 will continue, as Epic's CEO.

Commenting on the acquisition, Andrew said: "I have watched with interest as the eLearning industry has developed over the last decade and believe that it has now reached the stage of maturity that makes it appropriate to invest. Epic's brand and reputation make it the obvious choice, and I firmly believe that under private ownership, it will continue to deliver exceptional learning solutions to its clients. I have known Jonathan for over twenty years and am delighted to be working with him and the team at Epic."