Training Resource

Eden Tree from GoodPractice Launches Toolkit

Edinburgh (UK), July 2010 - Eden Tree offers resources to support learning and development professionals. They include a suite of "instant" training self-assessments, exercises, case studies, workshops, and handouts. Compared with their previous experience trawling the internet, Eden Tree users report a time savings of up to eighty percent.

GoodPractice, a leading provider of learning platforms, has launched Eden Tree - a new, dedicated online toolkit designed especially for professionals in the area of learning and development (L&D), as well as human resources, organisational development, and training. Eden Tree boasts a catalogue of over 3,000 individual resources tailored specifically to the needs of busy professionals who need quick access to the latest thinking on organisational leadership and management topics.

Eden Tree will replace GoodPractice's existing Knowledge Bank product, with over fifty large corporate and public sector customers moving to Eden Tree.

Capitalising on ten years of experience in delivering online resources to the (L&D) community with Knowledge Bank, existing users were actively involved in "road testing" Eden Tree to ensure that it closely matches their needs. Users stressed three core requirements: access to the latest thought leadership for their discipline, downloadable training resources to support their day-to-day training roles, and the chance to network and share best practice across a community of like-minded professionals.

Eden Tree allows users to access quality content that is updated regularly to reflect current thinking in each core management area. The content is written and researched by GoodPractice's team of professionals.

To help time-pressured professionals, Eden Tree offers a suite of training resources, including fifteen full training workshops available for download, with each workshop being completely customisable by the user. Eden Tree is also set to become an essential networking community for L&D professionals with social-media functionality, allowing users to share and comment on resources and discuss best practice in a secure online environment.

James McLuckie, learning engagement manager at Eden Tree, comments, "What makes Eden Tree really unique will be our interaction with our subscriber base. Our subscribers can request materials and resources, and we will respond, whether it is for a new training course or to explore a new area or topic. Using the social media tools that Eden Tree offers will help us to customise our support even further."