Enhanced User Friendliness and Technical Flexibility

Munich (GER), January 2011 - The content-production platform EVOLUTION has made a major stride in its development. Previously, it was only possibly to produce Flash-based final products, but with version 3, HTML5-format output can also be fashioned, allowing the creation of content for mobile terminal devices. Printed materials that accompany the course can also be exported as a .pdf. EVOLUTION 3 makes it possible to go beyond the production of instructional and training materials and a wide variety of tests and surveys - websites, e-book contents, Apps, and many other interactive media can also be created.

EVOLUTION has thus developed in the direction of an editing system that supports the layouting of information pages and similar documents. But CBTL, the makers of EVOLUTION, have not neglected its origin as a highly feature-rich authoring tool for CBTs and WBTs. In the future, in addition to the many existing exercise types, with help from numerous assistants, even non-specialists will be able to master the often complex processes and produce newly developed formats such as
video-stop, three-dimensional animation, and other situation-related exercises.

In this connection, EVOLUTION's user interface has undergone a
comprehensive "face lifting" that leads to a substantially higher level of user friendliness.

Furthermore, ActionScript 3 for Flash is now supported, meeting the requirements of demanding Flash designers. An integrated communication and protocol system will further facilitate tasks, as will the new project-management module, which gives a clear overview of the project resources.

An interface to common content-management systems expands EVOLUTION's range of application even further. Also new are integrated tools for image, video, and sound editing that make the author even more independent of additional preinstalled software tools.

But what makes EVOLUTION really special is the possibility to use a "master version" to simultaneously produce and work on adaptations that are unlimited in regard to content and language. All the variants can be updated by making changes to the master, and individual non-text-related objects can be deleted or changed.

All texts - including those for sound recordings - are saved in a file format that is compatible with commercially available translation-memory systems used by translation agencies. The translated files can then be reprocessed directly in EVOLUTION and "voilà" - a version of the
original in a new language is available.

Because EVOLUTION is an online tool, the platform and all of its myriad features can be used on any computer connected to the Internet, regardless of operating system; the only requirement is the standard Flash plug-in. This makes it possible for teams of any size to work on a project simultaneously. An extensive system of user roles and rights can be configured, based upon the client's requirements. Using the Open Office standard, MS Office files an be imported and exported.