At the Forefront

Festo and Corporate Educational Responsibility (CER)

Esslingen (GER), February 2011 - Festo promotes technical skills among young people, supports international training standards, and encourages outstanding technical achievements. It achieves success in these undertakings by means of its Festo Education Fund; involvement in the European (EuroSkills) and international (WorldSkills) vocational-skills championships for Mechatronics and Mobile Robotics; as well as through participation in many international, national, and regional projects.

At the international level, this includes the global transfer of technological know-how in cooperation with GiZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit) and CDG (Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft e.V.), as well as with universities and local educational institutes.

A family-owned company, Festo takes a holistic approach. It assumes global and local responsibility for its actions and aims to conserve resources and enhance the quality of life wherever it operates - with the aid of new technologies, knowledge, and education. "Our research also focuses on making production processes safer, more eco-friendly, and more efficient - at our own facilities and those of our customers.

This is why our production processes and products have made us such an important pioneer in automation technology over the years. This is also how we are seen by the general public. This is particularly true, for example, in the field of bionics - the transfer of biological principles to technology. Nature can provide us with completely new insights into how we can achieve more performance with less energy. With our Bionic Learning Network, we have created a platform for the energy-efficient drive systems of the future.

We want to set new standards with regard to energy efficiency and green manufacturing. With the aid of our self-developed Energy Saving Services, for example, companies can save up to two thirds of their compressed-air consumption during production.

The Environmental Technology Award 2009 for our Energy Saving Services, as well as the strong demand from our customers for energy-efficient solutions, are confirmation that we are on the right track. We also regard the international Energy Efficiency Award we received at the Hanover Fair in 2008 as further motivation to enhance our company's buildings, production methods, and industrial plant", comments Dr. Veit, Chairman of the Management Board.