Embracing Creativity in the Age of AI
Berlin (GER), September 2024 - In this article, Joitske Hulsebosch, Steven van Luipen, and Ite Smit examine the creative potential of AI as a valuable tool for educators and learning and development (L&D) professionals.
How Creative Do You Feel Right Now?
Plymouth (UK), June 2019 - If your creativity is firing on all cylinders, that’s great. If you’re like most of us, though, you could do with a boost. A new guide, "4 ways to be courageously creative in learning", can help.
» MORE"The Future is Jazz"
Copenhagen (DK), November 2017 - Can uncertainty become a driving force for creativity? How can we use digital media to cultivate and teach curiosity? In Session EMP35, 07 December from 16.30 to 17.30, Martin Bregnhøi from KEA MMD, Denmark, will discuss Pippi Longstocking’s phrase, "I’ve never tried this, so I expect I can do it!" or "Can we teach curiosity"?
Poems Generate Business Growth
Wymondham (UK), October 2016 - The leadership-communications specialist CloudQast has hit on an unusual, highly creative, and successful business strategy to bring it customers: it writes poems.