New Guide

How Creative Do You Feel Right Now?

Plymouth (UK), June 2019 - If your creativity is firing on all cylinders, that’s great. If you’re like most of us, though, you could do with a boost. A new guide, "4 ways to be courageously creative in learning", can help.

Sponge has put together this resource because they believe creativity is crucial to learning success; however, it’s often overlooked and misunderstood. The publication will help generate new ideas and innovative solutions to help achieve more for your business and motivate employees to perform at their best.

This guide covers four pathways to greater creativity in learning, with plenty of practical tips and things to try, including

  • how to maximise creativity through deep discovery and human-centred design
  • how to champion creativity by challenging the status quo 
  • how to nurture creativity by starting small to think big
  • how to harness creativity by reducing risk through collaboration