"The Future is Jazz"
Copenhagen (DK), November 2017 - Can uncertainty become a driving force for creativity? How can we use digital media to cultivate and teach curiosity? In Session EMP35, 07 December from 16.30 to 17.30, Martin Bregnhøi from KEA MMD, Denmark, will discuss Pippi Longstocking’s phrase, "I’ve never tried this, so I expect I can do it!" or "Can we teach curiosity"?
What instruments do educators have at their disposal to stimulate inquisitiveness?
Martin Bregnhøi: Educators’ main instrument to stimulate inquisitiveness is, first of all, the educators themselves. As role models and sources of inspiration, they have the ability to involve their students in common problem solving through collaborative learning. In all this, I think it is the educators’ ability to transfer their own enthusiasm and dedication that matters most.
And once they’ve done it, how can it be sustained?
Martin Bregnhøi: By making collaborative learning and problem solving a natural and central part of all projects and teaching. By involving their students in their own knowledge search, findings, and questioning.
What role does curiosity play in the life of an elementary or high school student?
Martin Bregnhøi: It’s not my area, as I am teaching in higher education, but anyway… We are born curious. Pre-school children are most often really eager to learn, so I think it plays a tremendous role. The question here is rather, "How do we avoid killing it?"
Can schools in their current form adequately exploit inquisitiveness as a driving force?
Martin Bregnhøi: Why not, if they focus more on process and problem solving, and less on PISA tests and measuring convergent learning.