

"The Nature of Learning Goals Is Dynamic Rather than Fixed"

Prof. Dr. Dirk IfenthalerMannheim (GER), April 2022 - Prof. Dr. Dirk Ifenthaler is involved in the development and evaluation of AI-based personalization approaches for in-company continuing education in a University of Mannheim project funded by Germany’s Ministry of Education and Research. The effort is called KAMAELEON, the German acronym for "Contact-Based, Adaptive Measures for Effective Learning Support in Continuing Education", and it is also the title of his presentation at the LEARNTEC congress, 01 June at 16:15.


Neues Whitepaper

ELearning im Spotlight – Impulse für die Praxis

München, März 2022 - User-generated Content, Lerninhalte selbst erstellen – am besten mit den eigenen Mitarbeitenden – statt die Produktion auszulagern, hat viele Vorteile. Es muss kein Dienstleister gebrieft werden und die Unternehmen wissen selbst am besten, was die Lernenden brauchen. Diese und weitere Vorteile von User-gererated Content und was es bei der Konzeption zu beachten gibt, verrät das neue Whitepaper "eLearning im Spotlight" von youknow.


Adaptive Learning

Learning Pool Acquires True Office Learning

Derry (XI), January 2022 - Learning Pool, a UK-based leader in learning technology, has announced the acquisition of True Office Learning, the award-winning adaptive compliance technology firm based in New York City. True Office Learning is the creator of award-winning adaptive eLearning and behavioral-intelligence technology that measurably improves performance in organizations around the world. 


Disrupt Training

RelyOn Nutec and Area9 Lyceum form Strategic Alliance

Copenhagen (DK), June 2021 - RelyOn Nutec and Area9 have entered into a long-term strategic alliance to bring adaptive learning technology to the global energy sector. The aim is to cut training time; increase knowledge, confidence, and skills acquisition; and boost learning retention, thus increasing workforce competence. It is based upon an overall ambition to facilitate further reduction of serious incidents and reduce risk of errors across the energy sector, protecting people and the environment.



Transactional Distance and Adaptive Learning

Transactional Distance and Adaptive LearningNashville, TN (USA), May 2020 - "Transactional Distance and Adaptive Learning" takes a fresh look at one of the pioneering educational theories that accommodates the impact of information and communications technologies in learning. The theory of transactional distance (TTD) provides a distinct analytical and planning foundation for educators to conduct an overarching inquiry into transitioning from mass instructional and management systems in higher education to dynamic and transformational futures that focus on each individual learner.


mmb Learning Delphi

KI@Ed noch nicht in der Fläche angekommen

Essen, Februar 2020 - Kurz nach der LEARNTEC präsentiert das mmb Institut seine neueste Ausgabe der Trendstudie "mmb Learning Delphi". Die jährliche Befragung von Expertinnen und Experten zum digitalen Lernen fand mittlerweile zum vierzehnten Mal statt. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse: Unter den verschiedenen KI-basierten Anwendungen werden in den kommenden Jahren vor allem Learning Analytics und Adaptive Learning eine Rolle spielen. Intelligente sprachgestützte Assistenten und humanoide Roboter zum Lernen sind hingegen (noch) nicht so wichtig.


Danish Education

"In Class, the Focus Might Be on Discussing"

Keld HvamKolding (DK), October 2019 - Keld Hvam is Director of E-Learning and E-Didactics at the International Business Academy in Kolding, Denmark. Apart from research in e-didactics, his special responsibilities also include being Course Director of four online UG and PG programmes, all of which the Academy offers to students around the world in close cooperation with the UK’s Leeds Beckett University. He will participate in the Panel Presentation "Powering Up the Effectiveness of Blended Learning" on Thursday, 28 November, from 11.45 to 13.15.


Discovering Learning

OEB 2019 Pre-Conference Workshops Published

Berlin (GER), June 2019 - OEB Global, incorporating Learning Technologies, has published the programme of pre-conference workshops for its 2019 event, taking place in Berlin, 27-29 November.


Zukunft der Bildung

LEARNTEC weiter auf Wachstumskurs

Karlsruhe, November 2018 - In drei Monaten ist es soweit: die LEARNTEC, Europas größte Veranstaltung für digitale Bildung zeigt zum 27. Mal die aktuellen Trends und zukünftigen Entwicklungen des digitalen Lernens. Über 300 Aussteller aus 14 Nationen präsentieren vom 29. bis 31. Januar 2019 auf der LEARNTEC die neuesten Anwendungen, Programme und Lösungen für die digitale Bildung in Schule, Hochschule sowie der beruflichen Bildung.