Using e-Assessment to Enhance Student Learning
Barcelona (E), June 2016 - The ETHE journal is a publication with twelve years of history, published by the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) since the beginning. The University of the Andes (Colombia) has recently been incorporated as co-editor. During the first stage, the journal was consolidated under the name of RUSC, "Journal of University and Knowledge Society". Since 2016, the internationalization of the journal has been strengthened by becoming published by the prestigious Springer group, at which point the journal opted for a change of name.
» MOREJournal of Educational Technology in Higher Education
Barcelona (E), March 2016 - The publication formerly known as “Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del conocimiento” (RUSC. Universities and Knowledge Society Journal) has been renamed the “International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education” (ETHE). On 31 August 2015, the Open University of Catalonia (UOC), editors of the journal, entered into an agreement with the prestigious Springer publishing group for RUSC’s publication.