Workplace Learning
Learning Technologies Autumn Forum 2023
London (UK), September 2023 - The Learning Technologies 2023 Autumn Forum will take place online this year 17, 19, 24, and 26 October. The focus is on "Emerging Technologies", the dominant learning and development theme of 2023.
ARuVR Becomes First XR Company Accredited by LPI
London (UK), June 2023 - ARuVR®, a multi-award winning end-to-end extended reality (XR) training platform for enterprises, has announced that it has been awarded the status of Accredited Learning Technologies Provider by the LPI (Learning and Performance Institute), a leading global authority on workplace learning and development.
Ciphr acquires Marshalls
Marlow (UK), April 2023 - Marshall E-Learning (Marshalls) – a specialist diversity and inclusion online learning provider – has been acquired by ECI-backed, SaaS HR provider Ciphr for an undisclosed sum. The deal will bolster Ciphr Group’s extensive learning and development content offering, with new and existing customers of both brands benefiting from access to hundreds more 'off the shelf' courses and tailored workplace training opportunities for their employees.
Open LMS's Inaugural eLearning Conference Kicks Off 28 February
Raleigh, NC (USA), February 2023 - Open LMS Connected 2023 is for online training, education, and learning professionals to hear best practices, network with industry professionals, and connect with Open LMS leadership.
» MOREWelche Trends bestimmen L&D und Corporate Learning?
Berlin, Dezember 2022 - Die Aus- und Weiterbildung durchläuft derzeit eine Phase grundlegender Veränderungen. Neue Herausforderungen wie Digitalisierung, zunehmende Diversität und Fachkräftemangel erfordern neue Lösungen. Gleichzeitig machen ein deutlicher Trend zu mehr Home Office und die Einbindung neuer Zielgruppen ein Umdenken in der Art und Weise notwendig, wie das Corporate Learning konzipiert und umgesetzt werden kann. Um die richtigen Lösungen zu finden und anzuwenden, sollten wir zunächst die wichtigsten Trends identifizieren und die Auswirkungen auf die Aus- und Weiterbildung kennen.
» MEHRQuality Online Learning versus Remote Emergency Instruction
Perth (AU), April 2022 - During the COVID-19 pandemic, institutions worldwide were tasked with urgently transferring face-to-face learning delivery to emergency remote instruction. This required a herculean effort from many teachers, trainers, administrators, faculty, and managers, and it is important that this achievement is acknowledged and celebrated.
Winners of the Learning Awards 2022 Announced
London (UK), February 2022 - The top organisations and outstanding individuals in learning gathered in London to celebrate the 26th annual Learning Awards. Developed and hosted exclusively by the LPI, the Learning Awards is widely regarded as the L&D sector's premier awards ceremony.
» MORELearning Technologies 2022 Returns Live to London
London (UK), November 2021 - Learning Technologies 2022 will be back live in the new year and has announced its full conference programme for the 09-10 February event at ExCeL in London.
» MORELearning Analyst Laura Overton Explores Annual L&D data
London (UK), October 2021 - Join Mind Tools for Business Chief Impact Officer, Nahdia Khan, and Head of Research, Gent Ahmetaj, as they delve into this year's Annual L&D Benchmark Report findings with award-winning learning analyst, Laura Overton.
So gelingt KMUs der schnelle Einstieg ins eLearning
Aachen, August 2021 - Digitales Lernen gewinnt seit Jahren an Bedeutung – die Pandemie hat diese Entwicklung in vielen Unternehmen weiter beschleunigt. Nicht nur um sich den neuen Herausforderungen, dem "New Normal", zu stellen, ist es unternehmenskritisch, Mitarbeiter kontinuierlich weiterzubilden, sie auf neue Aufgaben und Arbeitsweisen vorzubereiten, sie zu begleiten und gleichzeitig ihre Time to Competence zu reduzieren.