Disconnect between L&D Strategy and Practice
London (UK), November 2020 - The latest Learner Intelligence Report from Emerald Works aims to narrow the gap between L&OD strategy and practice by bringing the voice of the learner to the forefront of the discussion.
L&D Will Never Be the Same Again
Cirencester (UK), June 2020 - Ninety-five percent of learning leaders say their strategy has changed forever. As the response to the COVID-19 pandemic shifts gears across Europe, Fosway Group, a major European HR industry analyst, has shared new research on the impact of the crisis on corporate learning and development strategies, priorities, and spending. The report includes practical insight into what is truly helping employees learn in this moment of crisis - and what's not.
» MOREVarjo Expands Worldwide Access to Industrial VR/XR
Helsinki (FI), May 2020 - Varjo™, a leader in industrial-grade VR/XR headsets, has announced the launch of sales and direct shipping to key markets in the Asia Pacific region, including Singapore, Israel, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand. In order to better meet industry demand and the needs of current customers, Varjo's portfolio of VR/XR headsets is available immediately in these new countries for enterprise users.
» MORECommLab India's CEO Acquires a PhD In Mobile Learning
Hyderabad (IN), May 2020 - CommLab India is pleased to announce that RK Prasad, CEO and Co-Founder of CommLab India, has been conferred a Doctoral Degree (PhD) in Mobile Learning by the prestigious Lancaster University, UK. His thesis, "Mobile Learning for Sales and Service Personnel: Case Studies in the Corporate Training Environment", makes significant contributions to existing research on mobile learning in the corporate sector, particularly in the areas of social influences on integrating mobile learning in organizations.
See How Your Learning Technology Experiences Compare
Cirencester (UK), December 2019 - The annual Digital Learning Realities research opened recently, led by Fosway Group, a European HR-industry analyst, and Learning Technologies, a European workplace learning event. Now in its fifth year, this research is open to learning and development professionals to have their say on the state of digital learning today and to see how their experiences measure up to other organisations around the world.
» MOREWorld Conference on Research in Education
Berlin (GER), June 2019 – The World Conference on Research in Education, being held in Berlin, Germany, 29 – 31 August 2019, is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in education theory and practice. The deadline for submission of papers is 12 August 2019.
» MORESpot On MindManager Event beschäftigt sich mit der Arbeitswelt 4.0
Alzenau, Mai 2019 – Die 12. Spot On Veranstaltung, die am 22. Mai in der Opel Arena in Mainz stattfindet, steht ganz im Zeichen der Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt. In ihren Vorträgen beleuchten bekannte Experten die Herausforderungen dieser neuen Arbeitswelt und zeigen auf, wie diese mit Hilfe der geeigneten Prozesse und Werkzeuge wie MindManager® bewältigt werden können.
» MEHREmerald Acquires Mind Tools
Bingley (UK), March 2019 – Emerald Group, a global provider of research and learning resources, has announced the successful acquisition of Mind Tools, a digital learning and performance support company.
Research in Education, Teaching, and Learning Conference
Athens (GR), March 2019 - An international conference - entitled Advanced Research in Education, Teaching, and Learning (AERTL) - is being convened in Athens, Greece, 03-05 May 2019. The event brings together academia, researchers, and scholars to exchange information and share experiences and research results about all aspects of specialized and interdisciplinary fields.
» MOREThe Role of L&D in the Digital Age
Cirencester (UK), February 2019 - Joint research reveals L&D needs to upskill in order to tackle digital transformation and impact learner engagement. Fosway Group, a leading Europeean HR industry analyst, and 360Learning, a learning engagement platform where leaders and learners connect to create a continuous work and learning environment, have announced the release of their new research report, The Role of L&D in the Digital Age.