
Developing Higher Education

Transport and Traffic Science Expertise for Sustainable Mobility

Dresden (GER), April 2021 - The roads of Sri Lanka and high-quality university education of transport and traffic experts and geodesists in the Asian country are the focus of a current Erasmus+ project with the participation of TU Dresden (TUD) entitled "LBS2ITS - Location-based Services to Intelligent Transport Systems". The three-day online kick-off event took place recently, with around thirty participants. Prof. Regine Gerike and her team took part on behalf of the TUD. She is scientifically supervising the project through her Chair of Integrated Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering at the "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences.


Future Oriented

OEB Global Is Looking for "Unusual Ideas" about Resilience

Berlin (GER) / London (UK), March 2021 - The organisers of Europe's largest conference on learning and technology, OEB Global, are asking for "exciting, imaginative, and unusual ideas" about one of the most important skills of the modern age: resilience. With an overall theme of "Learning Resilience", the conference, which is scheduled to take place in Berlin, 01-03 December 2021, will focus on how individuals, communities, education institutions, and businesses can learn to become resilient, so that they can bounce back from crises in the future.


Keynote Speakers

The Learning Ideas Conference

New York, NY (USA), February 2021 - Registration is open for The Learning Ideas Conference, the fourteenth annual conference but with new name, taking place both online and in person at Columbia University in New York, June 16-18, 2021.


eThink Education

Open LMS Expands Global Moodle Offering with Acquisition

Indianapolis, IN (USA), December 2020 - Learning Technologies Group plc (LTG) has announced the acquisition of eThink Education, one of the largest Moodle providers in the world and a Platinum Totara Partner. With this addition, Open LMS, a subsidiary of LTG, will bolster its credentials in the high-growth Moodle market and expand its presence in North America by joining the largest commercial provider of the Moodle open source Learning Management System (LMS).



Plug-and-Play Course Creation for Remote Learning and Business Training

Dr. Ann Marie SastryAnn Arbor, MI (USA), November 2020 - Amesite Inc., an artificial intelligence software company providing online learning ecosystems for business, higher education, and K-12, has announced the release of its new Course Manager capability, which enables schools and businesses to quickly and easily upload courses for remote use without the need for technical assistance.


EdTech Community

Open LMS Launches eLearn Magazine

Bogota (CO), October 2020 - E-Learn Magazine is a free thought leadership initiative and digital content platform that contains perspectives, discussions, expert analysis, research, and best practices from practitioners in the education and training community. Open LMS, the world's largest commercial provider of the Moodle open source learning management system (LMS), has launched its latest initiative, E-Learn Magazine.


White Paper

Making This Semester's Plans Work

New York, NY (USA), September 2020 - Your school has committed to a strategy for this semester, but planning and executing are two different things. What are other schools doing? What can you do to make sure you get through the next few months?


Machine Learning

Blackboard Ally Accessibility Solution in Arabic

Dubai (ARE), September 2020 - Blackboard Inc. has announced the availability of the Blackboard Ally accessibility solution in Arabic to serve educators, institutions, and learners. Blackboard Ally helps institutions build a more inclusive learning environment and improve the student experience by helping them take control of course content with usability, accessibility, and quality in mind.


Free and Open Webinars

Learning Impact On-Demand Virtual Series

Lake Mary, FL (USA), June 2020 - Has COVID-19 changed education forever? Only time will tell. What we do know is that moving to 100% online / remote / distance learning is a high priority - right now, next semester, and as we prepare for the future.


From 100 International Experts

Higher Education Landscape 2030

Hannover/Berlin (GER), June 2020 - The trend analysis based on a worldwide review and update of innovative models from AHEAD is now also available in English. The advancement of new learning pathways due to increasing digitisation is more relevant than ever, which is why the Forschungsinstitut für Bildungs- und Sozialökonomie (FiBS) and the HIS Institute for Higher Education Development e.V. (HIS-HE), together with other experts, also provide an English version. The book - from the SpringerBriefs in Education series - summarizes the assessments of over 100 international experts.