
Englische Version

Higher Education Landscape 2030

Higher Education LandscapeHannover, Juni 2020 - Die Trendanalyse auf der Grundlage des internationalen "horizon scannings" von AHEAD ist ab sofort auch in englischer Sprache erhältlich. Das Voranbringen neuer Lernwege aufgrund der zunehmenden Digitalisierung ist relevanter denn je, weshalb das Forschungsinstitut für Bildungs- und Sozialökonomie (FiBS) und das HIS-Institut für Hochschulentwicklung e.V. (HIS-HE) zusammen mit weiteren Fachleuten auch eine englische Version zur Verfügung stellen. Das Buch aus der "SpringerBriefs in Education"-Reihe fasst die Einschätzungen von über 100 internationalen ExpertInnen zusammen.


Digital Course Materials

McGraw-Hill Selects Proctorio to Deliver Remote Proctoring

London (UK), February 2020 - Through a new agreement with Proctorio, McGraw-Hill, a leader in learning science and digital learning tools, will offer remote proctoring and browser locking capabilities for assessments in its McGraw-Hill Connect® digital learning platform for college courses.


Higher Education

Call for Ideas for Media & Learning 2020

Leuven (BE), November 2019 - The Media & Learning 2020 conference on Images and Sound in Higher Education takes place in Leuven, Belgium, 17-18 June. Both the call for ideas and registration are now open. Themes for this year include Moving from lecture capture to learning capture; Providing authentic learning opportunities by mainstreaming AR, VR, and MR; and Planning effective institutional media policies. The deadline for receipt of ideas is 31 January 2020.


OEB 2019

Resolving Skills Gaps Issues and Preparing Students for Industry

Berlin (GER), October 2019 - OEB 2019, Berlin, 27-29 November, will show learning and edtech professionals how technology can overcome skills gaps and better prepare students for the workplace. The Conference will explore the impact of AI and a new view on designing educational programmes that deliver on learners’ and employers’ needs.


Online Module

Student Bystander Training for UK Higher Education

Coventry (UK), April 2019 - Coventry University has partnered with Marshall E-Learning, a specialist consultancy for diversity and equality learning, to provide a new online module on Student Bystander Training for higher education institutions across the UK.



Watson Martin Launches HR Apprenticeships Business

London (UK), January 2019 - Leading training and qualifications provider Watson Martin has announced the official launch of its new HR Apprenticeships business, designed specifically to support levy paying organisations develop their most valuable asset: the workforce. As a Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP) main provider, as well as a Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)-approved centre, Watson Martin is uniquely placed to work with large companies to deliver a complete end-to-end HR apprenticeship package. In addition, Watson Martin can work in partnership with other RoATP training providers to deliver the CIPD qualifications associated with an HR apprenticeship scheme.


Content Curation

World's First User-Designed eLearning Toolkit

San Rafael, CA (USA), October 2018 - Knowbly, the maker of award-winning cloud-based authoring tools for universities, schools, businesses, professionals, and consumers, has announced the launch of the world's first eLearning toolkit designed for eLearning creators by eLearning creators.


IDC Market Spotlight

Digital Transformation in UK Higher Education

London (UK), July 2018 - The very nature of higher education is changing, with students and employers expecting institutions to provide an experience that equips students with the right skills to succeed in today's job market. IDC sees digital technologies as a catalyst for change in higher education, impacting all areas, from teaching through to the underlying business processes.


Key Industry Insights

AI in Education Market Worth over $6bn by 2024

London (UK), June 2018 - Artificial intelligence (AI) in education market size is set to surpass US$6 billion by 2024, according to a new research report by Global Market Insights, Inc. AI in the education market is driven by the integration of the intelligent tutoring system (ITS) in the learning process. ITS is one of the advanced applications of AI aimed at providing immediate and personalized feedback and instructions to learners without the intervention of a human tutor. The numerous benefits offered by the system are a major factor augmenting its demand.