"Quick Wins" for L&D Professionals
Cambridgeshire (UK), December 2022 – Digital resources provider Scott Bradbury have launched "Quick Wins" podcasts specifically for human resources (HR) and learning and development (L&D) practitioners. Following the success of their "Sound Advice" podcast series, Scott Bradbury have launched a spin-off podcast to support L&D professionals with issues that are having direct impact on them today.
Celebrating 13 Years of LPI-Accredited Recruitment for L&D
Stoke Prior (UK), December 2022 - Blue Eskimo is a leading specialist recruitment services provider in L&D and the only recruitment company to be accredited by the Learning & Performance Institute - its thirteenth year of accreditation.
» MOREWelche Trends bestimmen L&D und Corporate Learning?
Berlin, Dezember 2022 - Die Aus- und Weiterbildung durchläuft derzeit eine Phase grundlegender Veränderungen. Neue Herausforderungen wie Digitalisierung, zunehmende Diversität und Fachkräftemangel erfordern neue Lösungen. Gleichzeitig machen ein deutlicher Trend zu mehr Home Office und die Einbindung neuer Zielgruppen ein Umdenken in der Art und Weise notwendig, wie das Corporate Learning konzipiert und umgesetzt werden kann. Um die richtigen Lösungen zu finden und anzuwenden, sollten wir zunächst die wichtigsten Trends identifizieren und die Auswirkungen auf die Aus- und Weiterbildung kennen.
» MEHROmniplex Learning Gains CCS-Approved Supplier Status
Harpenden (UK), November 2022 - ELearning solutions provider Omniplex Learning has gained "Approved Supplier" status from the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) for the latest release of the Government's digital procurement framework, G-Cloud 13.
Corporate L&D Teams to Overcome LearnOps Challenges
Toronto (CA), November 2022 - Cognota, a leading provider of operations software built specifically for learning and development teams, has announced a partnership with Infopro Learning, a world leader in workforce transformation.
Shall I Compare Thee to a Digital Academy?
Dunfermline (SCT), October 2022 - One of Scotland's leading digital learning and assessment specialists, eCom Learning Solutions, has joined in the practice of publicly making comparisons. In doing so, it has both history and popular culture on its side.
» MOREthirst Appoints Barry Ryan as Marketing Manager
Manchester (UK), January 2022 - thirst, a learning experience platform built with advanced AI that, similarly to Netflix, will recommend personalised learning content to its users based on their interests and skills, has appointed Barry Ryan as Marketing Manager.
Upside Learning Appoints Clark Quinn as Chief Learning Strategist
Pune (IN), October 2022 - Upside Learning, a leading global provider of end-to-end digital learning solutions for Fortune 1000 companies, has announced the appointment of Clark Quinn as its Chief Learning Strategist. Clark Quinn Ph.D. is an internationally renowned learning consultant, speaker, and author. He has been involved in the design, development, and evaluation of a wide variety of educational technology for over 40 years.
eCom Learning Solutions Outlines an eLearning Partner's Key Benefits
Dunfermline (SCT), October 2022 - eCom Learning Solutions, one of the UK's largest privately owned digital learning and assessment specialists, has produced a list of six key reasons why organisations should collaborate with a specialist when it comes to producing eLearning materials.
Connect 2022 Programme Published
London (UK), October 2022 - The Connect 2022 conference programme is live on the Learning Network website, detailing sponsored sessions and big debates, and sharing more about the opening and closing talks.