Headspring Launches New Suite of Learning Consulting Services
London (UK), May 2022 - Launched by Headspring, a joint venture between IE Business School and the Financial Times, the new service provides tools and methodologies to help organisations make better-informed L&D decisions and investments.
eCom Learning Solutions Helps Energy Companies
Dunfermline (SCT), May 2022 - One of Scotland's leading digital learning and assessment specialists, eCom Learning Solutions, is helping energy companies and contractors transform their businesses to move - cost-effectively - towards being net zero carbon producers.
Adobe Connect and Broadcastpod Mini
London (UK), April 2022 - Tom Blades, Dreamtek’s Head of Video Services, will be giving a seminar at Learning Technologies 2022, a free event in London, for all L&D professionals. Tom will present "5 things you really need to know about using Adobe Connect for virtual classrooms". The talk will tap into his years of success at building and creating learning infrastructures using Adobe Connect, based upon his concept of "making learning an experience".
» MOREResearch Highlights Gaps in UK's Workplace Training Provisions
Marlow (UK), April 2022 - Research by enterprise LMS provider Digits into workplace training suggests that many employers have gaps in the types of L&D that they are offering their staff.
» MOREXP Adopts a Customer-Centric Approach
Joensuu (FI), March 2022 - The Brazilian investment management company XP Inc. wanted to offer their employees more than just compliance training. Employees were closely included in the process of selecting and building the new learning ecosystem, and the results are fantastic. The Net Promoter Score for their platform, called Campus XP, is 87% - exceptional for any learning solution. Compared to XP's old LMS, there are eight times more active monthly users and five times more content authored by employees.
Das Metaversum: Science-Fiction oder greifbare Zukunft?
München, März 2022 - Wer ist bereits im Bilde, was es mit dem Metaversum auf sich hat? Welche Auswirkungen wird dieser Trend auf das Personalwesen haben? Wie verändert sich dadurch die berufliche Weiterbildung? speexx hat jetzt ein eBook veröffentlicht, das die Geheimnisse des Metaversums entschlüsseln und für HR und L&D greifbar machen soll.
Learning in the Flow of Work
Ilkley (UK), March 2022 - The ways in which we learn have changed over the decades, and this isn't just being reflected in educational establishments but in businesses, too. The latest approach is being called "learning in the flow of work", but what is it, and what does it mean for L&D teams?
» MORElmproved 2022 Learning Performance Benchmark
London (UK), March 2022 - Mind Tools for Business evolves the Learning Performance Benchmark to help organizations better reflect on their L&D strategy and plan for future improvements.
» MOREA Taster ahead of Learning Technologies 2022
London UK), March 2022 - Unlock an exclusive pre-LT conference digital experience with LT Digital Days, from 15-17 March: a ten-session, three-day taster of what to expect at May's Learning Technologies event.
LMS365's Continued Growth and Reliability Recognized
Aarhus (DK), February 2022 - LMS365 has announced that it has been recognized as a first-time Solid Performer on the 2022 Fosway 9-Grid™ for Learning Systems. The Fosway 9-Grid™ is an independent vendor analysis provided by Fosway Group, a leading HR Industry Analyst in Europe.