
Neu im eLearning?

Jetzt durchstarten mit dem eLearning StarterPack von youknow

München, März 2021 - Seit einem Jahr hält uns Corona nun in Schach, die L&D-Arbeit hat sich rasant entwickelt und wahrscheinlich wird Corporate Learning nie wieder so sein, wie man es von vor der Pandemie kannte. Da mangels Digitalstrategie zu Beginn der Coronakrise an vielen Ecken und Enden improvisiert wurde ist es jetzt also an der Zeit, ein nachhaltiges Konzept für die Zukunft zu entwickeln. Für all diejenigen hat youknow das "eLearning StarterPack" entwickelt, eine umfangreiche Sammlung an eLearning-Grundwissen, praxisnahen Tipps zur Einführung und jede Menge Checklisten und Templates um PS in Sachen Digitalisierung auf die Straße zu bringen.


Case Study

Yopa Property Increase Learning Platform Content Views

Nottingham (UK), March 2021 - Yopa Property teamed up with THRIVE to upgrade their LMS to an LXP and saw a 3,900% increase in content views. One of the UK's largest estate agents, Yopa teamed up with THRIVE to shift the way their business approaches learning and development.


Joint Initiative

LPI and Blue Eskimo Join Forces to Connect L&D Talent with Jobs

London (UK), March 2021 - Jobseekers and recruiters benefit from more accurate skill profiling via LPI Capability Map, which allows stronger matching of candidates to opportunities. The LPI and global recruitment partner Blue Eskimo have announced a joint initiative that brings L&D recruiters and jobseekers closer by leveraging the LPI's Capability Map as an objective skills benchmark.


Speexx's Masterclass

Digital Learning Trends Revealed by L&D Pro Donald Taylor

Munich (GER), March 2021 - Last month, Speexx hosted a Masterclass Webinar with Donald Taylor during which he announced and explored the results from his annual L&D Global Sentiment Survey. Each year, the L&D Global Sentiment Survey checks in with the L&D community worldwide. The format consists of a short online poll asking L&D professionals of various positions what they think will be trending in the following year. More specifically, the question asks, "What will be hot in workplace L&D?"


Meeting to Discuss Trending Topics

Introducing the CrossKnowledge Hub

London (UK), March 2021 - The CrossKnowledge Discussion Hub is a virtual space where learning and development professionals can meet and discuss trending topics in an informal environment, and the first event will focus on digital learning maturity.


Online-Praxis Camp

Virtual Classrooms und Events wirkungsvoll gestalten

Oberhausen, März 2021 - Am 10. und 25. März 2021 lädt die reflact AG wieder zu einem Online Praxis-Camp ein. Dieses Mal im Mittelpunkt: Die virtuelle Gleichzeitigkeit und wie sie sich noch besser gestalten lässt. Interessierte erwarten insgesamt acht Workshops und ein beachtliches Rahmenprogramm rund um virtuelle Trainings, Events und Webinare.


Scalable and Affordable

eCom Counters Covid-19's Adverse Effects on L&D

Allan MacleanDunfermline (SCT), February 2021 - As Covid-19 continues to have a major effect on the UK's economic activity - encouraging both remote working and remote learning - eCom Scotland is discovering a growing appetite among customers for ready-made eLearning materials.



Winners of the Learning Awards 2021 announced

Learning Awards 2021London (UK), February 2021 - The top organisations and outstanding individuals in learning were honoured at the 25th annual Learning Awards. Presented by British TV and radio icon Claudia Winkleman and joined by an audience of thousands from across the globe, the 25th Annual Learning Awards was broadcast internationally in the style of a TV event, hosted live from a recording studio in London.


10 Thesen

Digitales Lernen in Unternehmen ist das "New Normal"

DigitalisierungMünchen, Februar 2021 - (von Wolfgang Hanfstein und Simon Hauzenberger, Pink University) In einem Jahr hat COVID praktisch keinen Aspekt des Lebens unberührt gelassen. Neben vielen anderen Dingen hat es die Digitalisierung vorangetrieben und eine neue Normalität geschaffen, die Lerngewohnheiten nachhaltig verändern wird. Die Nachfrage nach Lernangeboten hat drastisch zugenommen. Präsenztrainings und individuelle Coachings finden nicht oder nur sehr reduziert statt und der Bedarf an sofort einsatzbereiten eLearnings und LMS-Zugängen ist deutlich gestiegen.


Learning Technologies Digital Experience

What's Different about Digital Learning in 2021?

Cirencester (UK), February 2021 - Following a year of disruption and unprecedented demand for digital learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual Digital Learning Realities research opens to uncover what's different as we begin 2021. Run in partnership by Fosway Group, a leading European HR-industry analyst, and Learning Technologies, one of Europe's leading learning workplace events, the survey aims to uncover what is really happening in digital learning today and provide practical insights into what is helping people learn - especially as the world remains in a moment of crisis.