New Learning Festival in New York City This July
New York, NY (USA), March 2023 - Elliott Masie, Chair of The Masie Learning Foundation, has announced a new and different event for learning and training professionals taking place in New York City this summer. The Learning Festival will be a profoundly unique event for the learning, HR, and business communities with no keynotes, no breakouts, and no exhibit booths.
Improve Your Company Success with Learning Analytics
Saarbrücken (GER), February 2023 - The new add-on for the imc Learning Suite makes it possible to present the success of professional development measurably and visibly. This has a direct impact on the success of the company.
» MOREPremium Version of the Learning Performance Benchmark
Edinburgh (SCT), February 2023 - Mind Tools for Business has launched a premium version of the Learning Performance Benchmark to help L&D teams become more strategically aligned on their goals and transform their L&D strategies.
» MORESponge Awarded Gold LPI Accreditation Status for 2023
Bristol (UK), February 2023 - The Learning & Performance Institute (LPI) has awarded Sponge gold accreditation for its commitment to high quality delivery and process in the provision of learning, development, and training services.
» MORECornerstone People Research Lab Trends-Bericht 2023
Düsseldorf, September 2023 - Cornerstone, Anbieter von Talent Experience-Lösungen, hat den Cornerstone People Research Lab's 2023 Trends Report veröffentlicht, um Erkenntnisse und Ideen globaler Branchenexperten zu bündeln. Die Studie highlighted die Trends in den Bereichen Learning, Human Capital Management (HCM) und Content, die Talent- und HR-Führungskräfte für die Planung der Zukunft ihrer Belegschaft und deren Arbeitsplätze beachten sollten.
» MEHRexpert talk: Livestream am 2. März um 14 Uhr live über Zoom
München, Februar 2023 - Welche Fähigkeiten braucht es, um in der Arbeitswelt von morgen nicht abgehängt zu werden? Und welche Rolle spielt L&D dabei, Lernende auf diese Arbeitswelt vorzubereiten? Darum geht es im "e-learning expert talk" am 2. März um 14 Uhr. Moderiert von Dr. Jochen Robes diskutieren fünf Fachexperten/-innen zum Thema "Future Skills – die Zukunft beginnt heute". Die Anmeldung zum Livestream ist kostenlos.
Funding from FedDev Ontario to Further Develop LearnOps® Technology
Toronto, ON (CA), January 2023 - Cognota, a software company focused on developing the LearnOps® category and powering operations for learning and development (L&D) teams with its technology, has received a repayable investment of CA$1.9 million from the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) through the Government of Canada's Jobs and Growth Fund.
» MOREComplete Learning to Bring LearnOps® to the Australasian Markets
Toronto (CA), January 2023 - Complete Learning Solutions, a recognized consulting services leader for learning and performance management systems in the APAC region, has partnered with Cognota®, a leading provider of operations software built specifically for learning and development teams.
Ohne Learning & Development droht Abwanderung von Fachkräften
München, Januar 2023 - Docebo, Anbieter KI-gestützter Lernmanagementsysteme (LMS), veröffentlichte jetzt die Ergebnisse einer neuen unabhängigen Studie zum Thema Learning & Developement (L&D). Wesentliche Ergebnisse: Mehr als die Hälfte (54 Prozent) der deutschen Arbeitnehmer ziehen einen Jobwechsel bei ausbleibenden Schulungen und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten in Betracht und deutsche Arbeitnehmer machen sich besonders Gedanken über die Arbeitsplatzkultur: 33 Prozent betrachten eine "schlechte Kultur" als Kündigungsgrund.
» MEHRAnders Pink Launches Complete Curation Product
Brighton (UK), December 2022 - Anders Pink has launched its Complete Curation Product, designed to help organizations discover and curate some of the world's best learning content. Automatically mapped to the skills that matter, it is a data-driven, consistent, and automated solution.