See Cybersecurity Sorted in Action
Plymouth (UK), August 2019 - A webinar this August will go behind the scenes of Cybersecurity Sorted, a new learning game, created by award-winning learning provider Sponge. Hosted by Lucy Gibbs, Innovation Producer, and Ben Singer, Commercial Lead, at Sponge, the thirty-minute webinar will take place at 15:00 BST on 22 August.
» MOREThe Training Room Partners with Premier Group
Dorset (UK), June 2019 - With the latest innovations driving faster business growth and efficiency, there is an ever-increasing demand for people who possess strong digital literacy skills, a gap which The Training Room (TTR) is determined to address through its new partnership with IT recruitment specialists Premier Group.
» MOREUniversity of Virginia Defends National Cyber Title
Orlando, FL (USA), May 2019 - University of Virginia prevailed over nine other finalist teams to win the 2019 National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition and its coveted Alamo Cup. The championship was held in Orlando, 23-25 April, and featured the national competition's top ten college and university teams. The winning team successfully protected the network of a fictional agriculture firm specializing in cryopreservation, crop research and development, and sustainable farming. The fictional company sustained multiple attacks orchestrated by ethical hackers using the same tactics and techniques as real-world bad actors.
Maschinelles Lernen für mehr Sicherheit
München, April 2019 - Der momentane Entwicklungsstand bei neuronalen Netzen ermöglicht vor allem Anwendungen rund um Mustererkennung besonders gut. Darauf lassen sich die heutigen Einsatzfelder von Maschinellem Lernen größtenteils zurückführen. Die Erkennung von Mustern und Veränderungen in großen Datenströmen kann auch für die Cybersicherheit eine wertvolle Hilfe darstellen. Denn die stetig steigenden Datenmengen sind von Menschen nicht mehr zu überblicken. Es ist für Unternehmen schlicht nicht zu leisten, ihren gesamten Netzwerkverkehr permanent durch Mitarbeiter kontrollieren zu lassen.
» MEHRCybersecurity for the Home of Computer Science
Wokingham (UK), January 2019 - Global Knowledge, a worldwide leader in technology skills solutions, has partnered with Qufaro, operator of the UK's Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) in cybersecurity, to provide apprenticeship training in the UK.
» MOREEin Jahr digitale Weiterbildung gratis
Potsdam, Dezember 2018 - 2019 baut das Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI) sein Angebot kostenloser Onlinekurse zu Informationstechnologie- und Innovations-Themen weiter aus: Das neue Jahresprogramm der Bildungsplattform hält 14 Gratis-Kurse für digitale Weiterbildung bereit. Von Schülern und Studenten über Jobsuchende und Berufstätige bis hin zu Senioren kann jeder etwas finden, um sich in Sachen Digitalisierung auf den aktuellsten Stand zu bringen.
Partnership to Deliver Cybersecurity Apprenticeships
Wokingham (UK), September 2018 - Bletchley Park Qufaro and GK Apprenticeships (GKA) are pleased to announce the signing of a Heads of Agreement to jointly develop and deliver cybersecurity apprenticeships. These apprenticeships are designed to address the significant cyberskills shortage in the UK and, in due course, international markets.
Cybersecurity & Privacy Awareness Content Delivery Platform
National Harbor, MD (USA), June 2018 - Tapping more than 25 years of experience in creating effective adult education, the cybersecurity and privacy training experts at MediaPRO have announced the availability of LearningLAB, an SaaS platform that empowers anyone to start, configure, manage, measure, and continuously improve their learning programs.
» MORENixu’s Growth Strategy Focuses on Cybersecurity
Espoo (FI), June 2018 - In 2014, Nixu Corporation, a European cybersecurity services company, launched its new growth strategy. This strategy enabled Nixu to achieve substantial international growth and to begin its transformation from a consulting company to a scalable services company. The Nixu Board of Directors has decided to update the strategy to account for both current market trends and its newly acquired standing.
» MOREOnline-Kurs hilft Computernutzern bei Schutz
Potsdam, Februar 2018 - Von jüngsten Mikroprozessor-Sicherheitslücken wie Meltdown und Spectre bis hin zur Abwehr von Cyberattacken reichen die Inhalte eines kostenlosen Online-Kurses, den das Hasso-Plattner-Institut (HPI) in englischer Sprache allen Internetnutzern weltweit anbietet. Er trägt den Titel "Internet Security for Beginners" und startet am 26. Februar auf der Internet-Bildungsplattform openHPI des von SAP-Gründer Prof. Hasso Plattner gestifteten Universitätsinstituts. Vorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich.