
Digital Transformation

Batterjee Medical College Selects Blackboard Learn Ultra

Jeddah (SA), September 2019 - Blackboard has announced that Batterjee Medical College (BMC), the largest specialised private medical college in Saudi Arabia, has selected Blackboard Learn Ultra as the new learning management System (LMS) for more than 2,000 students.



Learning in Virtual Spaces

ViLeArn-TeamWürzburg (GER), August 2019 - Würzburg students of teacher training who like to try something new can look forward to the coming semesters. They will have the chance to try out ViLeArn, a recently developed social-VR platform targeting virtual embodied teaching, during one of their seminars. ViLeArn allows students to dive into fully equipped virtual teaching environments of flexible layouts that give ample room for various teaching scenarios to try out novel teaching approaches together. The topic of the seminar itself is a perfect fit: It promotes competences in digital media.


Gender-Based Violence

Re-Qualifying Education and Training Helps Health Workers

Birmingham (UK), June 2019 - Gender-based violence (GBV) could be tackled more effectively by giving healthcare students wider and more practical education and training in identifying and responding to the warning signs presented among patients they will encounter in professional life, according to a new study.


Distance Educator

Gamifying Online Tests to Promote Retrieval Based Learning

St. Louis, MO (USA), May 2019 - Recent findings have provided strong evidence that retrieval based learning is an effective strategy for enhancing knowledge retention and long-term meaningful learning, but it is not a preferred learning strategy for the majority of students. The present research analyzes the application of learning gamification principles in online, open book, multiple choice tests in order to motivate students to engage in repeated retrieval based learning activities.



Coursera Secures $103M in Series E from New Investors

Mountain View, CA (USA), May 2019 - Coursera, an online learning platform, has announced closing a $103 million investment in a Series E equity round. SEEK Group, a global leader in investing, scaling, and operating online employment and education businesses, led the round, while existing investors Future Fund and NEA also participated in the funding.


New eLearning Course

How Education Can Support the Paris Climate Goals

Frankfurt (GER), April 2019 - "New rules and procedures inspired by the recommendations of the EU Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth will affect businesses. They want to understand the upcoming rules on transparency, not only to comply with them, but more importantly to be more informed and perhaps adjust their business models," said Professor Dr Ulf Moslener, Professor for Sustainable Energy Finance at Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.


Education and Training Monitor

German Graduates Have the Second Highest Employment Rate

Brussels (BE), April 2019 - In the UK, recent graduates have an employment rate of 86.6%. In 2014, the EU average employment rate was 76.0%; in 2017, it rose to 80.2%. Greece currently has the lowest employment rate of recent graduates in Europe, at 52.0%; Malta currently has the highest, at 94.5%. Currently, the EU is working with Member States to make education a success for all young people.


Online Module

Student Bystander Training for UK Higher Education

Coventry (UK), April 2019 - Coventry University has partnered with Marshall E-Learning, a specialist consultancy for diversity and equality learning, to provide a new online module on Student Bystander Training for higher education institutions across the UK.


Using Artificial Intelligence

Helping to Memorize Information More Efficiently

Tübingen (GER), April 2019 - Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems develop algorithms that optimize the well- known spaced repetition method used for memorizing educational material. By using optimal spacing time, the learning process becomes as efficient as possible. Their findings were published in the prestigious journal PNAS.