
Lifelong Learning

Second Call for Papers

Lillehammer (NO), September 2022 - The Lifelong Learning conference takes place in Lillehammer 15 - 17 February 2023, and this is a reminder of the upcoming deadline for submitting contributions.


Gala - 16 November 2022

Learning Technologies Awards 2022 Shortlist Announced

London (UK), September 2022 - The annual Learning Technologies Awards event has published its short list for the 2022 awards programme, and announcements regarding 20 awards categories, 450 entries, and the gala evening tickets have been released.


Call for Abstracts

INTED2023 - Conference on Education, Research, and Innovation

Valencia (E), September 2022 - INTED2023, the event’s latest edition, returns to the in-person format and will bring together lecturers and researchers from all over the world. It is an opportunity not to be missed, enabling participants to share experiences and learn from other education experts. The Call for Abstracts is open until 17 November 2022.


Awards Ceremony

Thirteenth Global Peter Drucker Challenge Essay Contest

Vienna (A), September 2022 - TikTok, Substack, Web3 - a whole new digital world is taking shape before our eyes, a world in which the individual will have new and unprecedented opportunities to create, reach an audience, access markets, and make a living. This is why the 13th Global Peter Drucker Challenge essay contest - an annual fixture in the run-up to the Global Peter Drucker Forum - chose as this year's topic: "Towards a Passion Economy - Creating Value with Your Unique Skills".


13 October

Learning Technologies Autumn Forum 2022 Announced

London (UK), September 2022 - Learning Technologies has announced its Autumn Forum is to take place at the London ExCeL venue, 13 October 2022. The event is a follow up to the larger sister exhibition and conference earlier this year.


In October

Omniplex Learning Training Course

Birmingham (UK), September 2022 - Omniplex Learning has announced that they will be hosting an exclusive training course at the National Space Centre in Leicester. The three-day course, which will run 04-06 October, will provide expert Articulate Storyline training at the site of the UK's largest planetarium. 


LN Calls for Change

66% Struggle to Advance in the Learning Industry

London (UK), August 2022 - The Learning Network (LN) has announced the theme for its 2022 annual conference and invites learning and development professionals to bring real challenges for discussion and debate - and to drive change.


OEBcast Series

"The Rapidly Evolving Landscape of Corporate Learning"

Berlin (GER), August 2022 - On 25 August at 10:00 CEST, Dr Essam Elhalhuli from Coursera will discuss the lasting impact of the pandemic, a shifting workforce demography, and the adoption of digital technology on modern business. He will shed light on the role online learning plays within the above discussion points and which strategy and solutions companies need to stay ahead of the competition.


Save the date!

eLearning Africa 2023 in Dakar

Dakar (SEN), August 2022 - The sixteenth edition of eLearning Africa will be held 24-26 May 2023 under the patronage of H.E. Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal. The event will take place in Dakar, the country’s booming capital, at the Abdou Diouf International Conference Centre - CICAD. Four government Ministries will support the conference: Basic Education, Higher Education, Further Education and Training, and Digital Economy.