The Inaugural Event on Transforming Educational Futures
Oslo (NO), June 2022 - Online Learning Consortium (OLC) invites you to join educators from around the world in learning more about institutional transformation through online, blended, and digital learning at the first IELOL Global Regional Colloquy - Transforming Educational Futures through Innovation in West Africa. This four-day online event will take place 19-22 July 2022 and will offer opportunities for ideation, collaboration, and networking to advance access to education worldwide.
» MOREJoin Webinar on Student Connectedness
Oslo (NO), June 2022 - Join the webinar on the Yellowdig platform at 16:00 ET, 15 June, for a vibrant conversation between Yellowdig and Online Education Services (OES) titled "Leveraging Student Communities and Data Insights Drives Retention." The event will address student connectedness and how to enhance student connection.
A Clear Footprint of Open, Flexible, and Distance Education
Barcelona (E), June 2022 - The theme of the UNESCO World Higher Education Conference 2022 that took place in Barcelona, 18-20 May, was "Reinventing Higher Education for a Sustainable Future". Against the backdrop of rapidly changing societies, the digital transformation, climate change, and not least the COVID-19 crisis, flexible learning pathways and open, online, and distance education were high on the agenda. ICDE participated in two sessions as part of the main programme.
» MOREPersonalized Learning - From Onboarding to Ongoing
Raleigh, NC (USA), June 2022 - A webinar at 13.00 ET on 15 June will show that the current reality for most organizations is that their learning strategy is still a one-size-fits-all approach delivered in a choppy, disconnected learning experience. At the same time, learners expect learning to be made just for them, just in time. While organizations are realizing that a personalized training approach can lead to better performance and engagement, not all "personalization" delivers real impact.
» MORELaunch of Vast Graduate Scholarship Program of One Billion US$
Kigali (RWA), May 2022 - TooShare is the first social learning platform created in Africa. The effort is in partnership with the STUDY ACCESS ALLIANCE and IU International University of Applied Sciences. During the eLearning Africa Summit 2022 in recently held in Kigali, a vast graduate scholarship program of one billion $US was launched. It is being funded by the IU Group and TooShare partners and will be available to all African countries in order to promote access to higher education in tech subjects with great employability.
Budapest (HUN), May 2022 - The next EDEN NAP webinar, "How We Can and Should Respond to the Educational Needs of Those Who Have Become Refugees", will take place 25 May 2022, at 16:00 CEST. The session will consist in presentations followed by a discussion.
ICDE Moderates Roundtable at UNESCO WHEC 2022
Oslo (NO), May 2022 - A high-level panel discussion organised by ICDE and Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University (HBMSU) on the topic "Quality in Online, Open, and Distance Higher Education across Borders" is confirmed as part of the main programme of the upcoming UNESCO World Higher Education Conference in Barcelona, 18-20 May.
» MORETraining Industry Conference and Expo
Raleigh, NC (USA), May 2022 - The Training Industry Conference and Expo (TICE) is a learning event that is unmatched in the corporate training world. From 21-23 June 2022, the organizers will be reconnecting with the learning community - live and in person - in Raleigh, North Carolina.
» MOREVRARA Education Forum on 19 May
St. Louis, MO (USA), May 2022 - The virtual education forum will connect educators from around the world with leading vendors in the realm of immersive edtech. In addition to keynotes, rapid presentations, sessions, demos, and expert panels, the organizers will offer best-in-class online networking where it can be help build meaningful contacts.
» MORE"Let's Seize the Moment", say Ministers
Kigali (RWA), April 2022 - African countries should "seize the moment" and "take advantage of a historic opportunity for massive, long-term, sustainable economic growth," according to Rwanda's Minister of ICT and Innovation, Paula Ingabire. And Rwandan Education Minister, Dr Valentine Uwamariya, warned that "failing to focus now on education, training, and technology would be unforgivable."