

Metaverse, Web 3.0 Disruption, and Blockchain

Dubai (UAE), August 2022 - The MetaWeek conference will take place 11-14 September 2022. Thousands of web 3.0 enthusiasts and thought leaders from all over the world will convene in Dubai to set the future trends of metaverse applications.


Save the date!

Rise Up Connect 2022, September 29

Paris (F), July 2022 - Rise Up, the fast-growing employee learning software solution, has announced the date for its annual L&D event Rise Up Connect. This year's edition will focus on how personalization can transform business competitiveness, as well as employee training and learning.


Call for Contributions

2023 European Learning and Teaching Forum

Bilbao (E), July 2022 - EUA and its Learning and Teaching Steering Committee are inviting proposals for papers, workshops and practice presentations for the 2023 European Learning and Teaching Forum. The event, entitled "Connecting people, spaces and realities", will be hosted by the University of Deusto in Bilbao, Spain, 02-03 February 2023.


Prague in September

ALL DIGITAL Summit 2022

Prague (CZ), July 2022 - The ALL DIGITAL Summit 2022 will take place 28-30 September in Prague, Czech Republic. The event centers on the effects of digital transformation in different sectors and societal groups and on how digital (and other) skills can help people improve and benefit from these. This theme is focused on the present condition and lessons learnt from the recent past, focusing on youth, culture, and education.


Online Conference

International Conference in Innovation and Education Is Free of Charge

Nonthaburi (THA), July 2022 - The International Conference in Innovation and Education for Sustainable Human Resource Development will be held 15-16 November 2022 in Nonthaburi, Thailand. The event is organised by Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU). The conference is virtual and free of charge and is extending a call for educators working in schools, institutes, and universities to participate and submit papers.


Call for Papers

Lillehammer Lifelong Learning ICDE Conference

Lillehammer (NO), July 2022 - The call for contributions for the Lillehammer Lifelong Learning ICDE Conference is now open, and we welcome submissions from members and stakeholders from the entire global community working to improve lifelong opportunities for all. The deadline to submit your contribution is 15 September. The conference will take place in Lillehammer, Norway, 15-17 February 2023, and is hosted by ICDE member Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.


Venerable Venue

OEB Global 2022 - Re-imagining Our Vision for Learning

Berlin (GER), July 2022 - This year’s Online Educa Berlin (OEB), the annual global cross-sector conference and exhibition on digital learning and training, will again take place at the Hotel InterContinental Berlin; the dates are 23-25 November 2022. This leading international event is calling all stakeholders to help shape the agenda for a rich and multi-faceted agenda and discussion.



Unlock Account Potential to Survive Stagflation

London (UK), July 2022 - Imparta's latest webinar, 12 July 2022 at 17.00 BST | 12.00 (EDT), provides essential guidance on surviving and thriving the next couple of years through unlocking the full potential of existing accounts.


Supported by Brandlive

Charter and LifeLabs Learning Launch a New Workshop Series

New York, NY (USA), June 2022 - Charter, a media and insights company focused on building a better future of work, announces a new virtual workshop series called "Charter Skills Accelerator". In partnership with LifeLabs Learning, a leader in training programs for managers and executives, Charter and LifeLabs Learning are offering four free workshops beginning June 29.