Acteon Experiment Shows Motivation and Understanding
Cambridge (UK), August 2019 - Acteon believes that when we connect with what matters to people, they are more engaged, which leads to behaviour change and improved performance. Acteon wanted to test this and devised an experiment in the form of a game called Hexit.
» MORESee Cybersecurity Sorted in Action
Plymouth (UK), August 2019 - A webinar this August will go behind the scenes of Cybersecurity Sorted, a new learning game, created by award-winning learning provider Sponge. Hosted by Lucy Gibbs, Innovation Producer, and Ben Singer, Commercial Lead, at Sponge, the thirty-minute webinar will take place at 15:00 BST on 22 August.
» MOREGamifying Online Tests to Promote Retrieval Based Learning
St. Louis, MO (USA), May 2019 - Recent findings have provided strong evidence that retrieval based learning is an effective strategy for enhancing knowledge retention and long-term meaningful learning, but it is not a preferred learning strategy for the majority of students. The present research analyzes the application of learning gamification principles in online, open book, multiple choice tests in order to motivate students to engage in repeated retrieval based learning activities.
» MORESicherheit und Unterstützung beim Aufbau digitaler Lernwelten
Bad Homburg, Dezember 2018 - Im Zuge einer neuen strategischen Ausrichtung sollte beim Bahntechnik-Unternehmen Vossloh digitales Lernen vorangetrieben werden. Doch wie geht man diese Mammutaufgabe sinnvoll an? Im Canudo LernLABor wurden Zielgruppen definiert, Organisationsschritte festgelegt und erste Lernformate konzipiert. Außerdem wurden Zuständigkeiten definiert und ein 3-Jahresplan aufgestellt, der die Einführung digitaler Formate werblich begleitet. Gut vorbereitet ging es dann los in die Umsetzung.
Physics Teaching Reimagined by International Exchange Website
Paris (F), May 2018 - Physics students are more interested and engaged when they conduct experiments themselves and can share with their fellow team members, according to new research from Université Paris-Saclay.
» MOREData Clash: Spielend Datenschutz lernen
Berlin, Mai 2018 - Die so genannte DSGVO (Datenschutz-Grundverordnung) tritt am 25. Mai 2018 in Kraft und hält in naturgemäß eher umständlichen 11 Kapiteln und 99 Artikeln jede Menge Änderungen für Bürger und Unternehmen gleichermaßen bereit. Kürzer und verständlicher vermittelt das Browsergame "Data Clash" die neuen Rechte für Verbraucher und den kompetenten Umgang mit ihren Daten. "Data Clash. Das Datenschutz-Spiel" ist eines der Angebote im Projekt "Deine Daten. Deine Rechte".
Advantexe Launches New Game Business Simulation
Conshohocken, PA (USA), April 2017 - Advantexe Learning Solutions, an award-winning global leader in business simulation-centric learning, has announced the launch of a new and innovative digital board game business simulation called The Drivers of Business Performance™.
» MOREClarity Consultants Publishes “Gamified” Guide
Campbell, CA (USA), March 2017- Clarity Consultants, creative consultants who are a leading provider of corporate learning and development, has announced a player’s manual to the “game” of hiring learning-and-development (L&D) professionals.
The 21st-Century Games Revolution
Milan (I) / Berlin (GER), October 2016 - "The 21st-Century Games Revolution" is the title of the interactive workshop about games for health being organized and held by serious-games company "imaginary" during the sixth EAI International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare. The conference is entitled "Transforming Healthcare through Innovations in Mobile and Wireless Technologies" and will take place in Milan, 14-16 November 2016.
» MORENew Bubble Blaster Learning Game
Windsor (UK), May 2016 - Growth Engineering, a multi-award winning learning-technologies company, has launched its brand-new learning game, Bubble Blaster. The game is available as a template on Genie, Growth Engineering’s game-based content authoring tool.