Simpleshow Adds New Style to Its AI-Powered Digitisation Tool
As the script of the video is completed, users can now choose between simpleshow's Classic black-and-white style and its new colour style, which features a modern design, more realistic proportions, and a choice of up to four CI colours. The newly added multi-style capabilities seamlessly integrate with the sophisticated, AI-powered engine at the heart of the simpleshow video maker, which generates illustrations that automatically display the selected preset of CI colours, as well as ensuring a balanced corporate scheme.
The multi-style update comes after the addition of twenty new languages and several background design options, which reflects the company's long-term goals of fostering global collaboration among their clients and providing users with more customisation for their digitisation needs.
In 2022, simpleshow continues to innovate and develop new features, allowing clients to promote diversity through the addition of skin tones.