Digital Learning Academy
LearnChamps Digital Learning Academy
Wien, August 2020 - Viele Unternehmen setzen bei der Konzeption und Produktion von eLearning Contents auch auf interne Teams und haben hausintern Kompetenzen aufgebaut. Vielen fehlt aber eine zentrale Anlaufstelle für die Schulung dieser KollegInnen. Genau hier kommt LearnChamps Digital Learning Academy ins Spiel.
» MEHRStudent Loans Company Launches Digital Learning Academy
London / Gloucester (UK), September 2016 - The Student Loans Company (SLC) has successfully launched Totara LMS based Digital Learning Academy with Learning Nexus to help meet L&D objectives. In September 2015, the company issued a tender to find the right eLearning solution that would help deliver its leaning-and-development strategy to over 3000 staff at its sites in Glasgow, Darlington, and Llandudno Junction. Following a competitive tender exercise, the contract was awarded to Learning Nexus.