distance education
BIBB präsentiert "Strukturdaten Distance Learning"
Bonn, November 2023 - Angesichts rasanter technologischer Entwicklungen und einer umfassenden Digitalisierung von Gesellschaft und Arbeitswelt gewinnt lebensbegleitendes Lernen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Nichtakademische und hochschulische Bildungsangebote in Form von Distance Learning/Distance Education bieten dabei ein etabliertes didaktisches Format, um (Weiter-)Bildung mit Erwerbstätigkeit, familiären Verpflichtungen oder aber auch Einschränkungen in der Mobilität vereinbaren zu können.
Nominations Open for the ICDE Prizes of Excellence 2023
Oslo (No), July 2023 - The ICDE Prizes of Excellence, inaugurated in 1999, are awarded to deserving institutions and individuals around the globe for the highest possible excellence in the field of open and distance education.
» MORECall for Host: ICDE World Conference 2025
Oslo (NO), December 2022 - The International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) is inviting member institutions to submit bids to host the thirtieth ICDE World Conference in 2025. The deadline to apply is 01 March 2023. Members from Asia, the Middle East, and Oceania are particularly encouraged to apply.
» MOREA Clear Footprint of Open, Flexible, and Distance Education
Barcelona (E), June 2022 - The theme of the UNESCO World Higher Education Conference 2022 that took place in Barcelona, 18-20 May, was "Reinventing Higher Education for a Sustainable Future". Against the backdrop of rapidly changing societies, the digital transformation, climate change, and not least the COVID-19 crisis, flexible learning pathways and open, online, and distance education were high on the agenda. ICDE participated in two sessions as part of the main programme.
» MOREMicrocredential in Distance and Digital Education
Lisbon (PT), March 2022 - The Universidade Aberta of Portugal has recently introduced in its pedagogical offerings the "Microcredential in Distance and Digital Education", whose main objective is to foster the development of pedagogical skills in distance education. This is the first of 24 microcredentials that Universidade Aberta intends to develop.
» MOREReal Change Takes Place in Deep Crisis
Budapest (HU), September 2021 - Co-organised by the European Distance and E-Learning Network, the EDEN Digital Learning Europe, the Institute of Educational Policy, and Ellinogermaniki Agogi in the framework of the Reflecting for Change project, the aim of the EDEN Open Classroom Conference 2021 "Real change takes place in deep crisis" is to explore the idea of "Open School". This is presented as an engaging environment that effectively introduces novel methodologies, tools, and content by re-designing learning to accommodate and include difference and by bringing together families, community groups, local businesses, experts, and universities in an innovation ecosystem.
EDEN 2021 Virtual Annual Conference - UNED-Madrid
Budapest (HU), April 2021 - Submissions for the EDEN Virtual Annual Conference, hosted by the National Distance Education University UNED on 21-24 June, are welcome till 15 May.
» MOREOpen and Distance Education Theory Revisited
Singapore (SG), November 2019 - The anthology "Open and Distance Education Theory Revisited" explores foundational theories that have been applied in open and distance education (ODE) research and refined to reflect advances in research and practice. In addition, it develops new theories emerging from recent developments in ODE.
» MORE20 Jahre Fernstudien im ZFH-Verbund
Koblenz, September 2018 - 20 Jahre ZFH-Verbund: ein guter Grund für die Zentralstelle für Fernstudien an Fachhochschulen (ZFH) gemeinsam mit den Kooperationshochschulen die erfolgreiche 20-jährige Zusammenarbeit zu feiern. Am Sitz der ZFH an der Hochschule Koblenz freute sich Prof. Dr. Ralf Haderlein, Leiter der ZFH, die rund 100 geladenen Gäste zu begrüßen. Die Jubiläumsveranstaltung stand nicht nur im Zeichen der bisherigen erfolgreichen Entwicklung sondern vor allem unter dem Motto "Zukunft im Blick".
» MEHRPurdue to Acquire Kaplan University
West Lafayette, IN (USA), May 2017 - Purdue University has announced the creation of a new public university that will further expand access to higher education. The initiative is meant to address two striking new realities: the need for postsecondary education for working adults and others unsuited for traditional campus study and the explosive growth of online technologies as a means of delivering education to students of all types.