

European eLearning Standardization Committee

Essen (GER), November 2007 - The new European standardization committee for eLearning, called CEN/TC 353, has been founded; its establishment is the result of extensive, thorough preparation. Reaching a European consensus on eLearning standards was a daunting endeavor, as was defining a vision, mission statement, and business plan. Finally, though, the unique organization will begin its efforts to bridge the gap between the international standards developed by the leading international eLearning standardization committee SC36 "IT-supported Learning, Education and Training (ITLET)" and those of the respective European national standardization bodies. » MORE

Feedback Wanted

b-involved - Dialogue Platform for Online-debate Started

Ispra (IT)/Brussels (BE), November 2007 - The b-involved platform is an Internet application that enables a small group of up to ten people to have a focused discussion about a pre-defined issue. Developed by the European Commission - Joint Research Centre and the Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen, it went online at the end of October. » MORE

MEDA-ETE Project

First Train-the-Trainer eLearning Courses Completed

Torino (IT), Novmeber 2007 - Staff from teacher-training institutes in ten countries, together with the MEDA-ETE team and eLearning specialists Giunti Labs have developed and implemented a number of eLearning and eLearning-related learning materials as part of 'Component 4' of the EU's Mediterranean European Development Action - Education and Training for Employment (MEDA-ETE) Project. The goal of the effort is to introduce eLearning into North African and Middle East Mediterranean countries. » MORE

The Case of Italy

Developing a Continuing Training System for Trainers

Rome (IT), November 2007 - Sharing expertise within Europe's Teacher Training Networks is one theme of this year's Online Educa Berlin Conference. Dr. Claudia Montedoro and Dr. Saverio Pescuma from ISFOL (the Italian Institute for Vocational Training) will present the Italian Online Project SPF (Xformare). CHECK.point eLearning spoke with Dr. Saverio Pescuma about the biggest public On Line Continuing Training System ever created by the Italian Ministry of Labour. » MORE

Web 2.0?

In Search of a Fluid Networking Culture

Helsinki (SF), November 2007 - The international MA program ePedagogy Design - Visual Knowledge Building has recently been awarded "best-practice" in the Erasmus program. Following his experience with this project, Prof. Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss tries to answer questions about the impact of social software tools on eLearning and implications on students' modes of interaction, aesthetics, and techniques. » MORE

Catalogue Printed

Strategical Individual Competencies

Fitou (F), November 2007 - The catalogue of strategical individual competencies is the first part of the methodology of a Leonardo da Vinci pilot project called "The Development of Strategical Individual Competencies in the Context of European Integration". It describes individual skills in the spheres of leadership, strategic thinking, purposefulness, and cooperation. » MORE

For a New Generation

Belgium Launches a New eLearning Portal

Brussels (BE), November 2007 - Under the initiative of the Walloon Region and the French-speaking Community, and with the financial support of the European Social Fund, Belgium has launched a new eLearning portal to facilitate distance learning. Learn-on-Line offers a comprehensive list of over 200 online training courses in French-speaking Belgium as well as a portfolio of resources aimed at private individuals, business enterprises, and bodies specialized in training. » MORE


Portugal's Road Towards Lisbon 2010

Lisbon (PT), October 2007 - As its name in Portuguese indicates, the FDTI - the Foundation for the Promotion of Information Technologies - is responsible for disseminating ICT knowledge and use in Portugal, and the organization was, naturally, one of the institutions responsible for the recent EU Conference on Delivering the Lisbon Agenda. During the eLearning Lisboa 2007 event, CHECK.point eLearning had a chance to speak with Patricia Leão from the FDTI. » MORE

Role Play Game

Preventing Bullying at Schools

Grenoble (FR), October 2007 - Researchers from Germany, Portugal, and the UK have developed an interactive role-play game that helps children to cope with bullying at schools. Currently over 1,000 children throughout Europe are part of pilot studies that aim to explore the impact the software may have in the possible reduction of bullying among pupils. » MORE

Promoting eLearning

European Commission Launches New eSkills Initiative

Brussels (BE), September 2007 - The European Commission has proposed a series of actions to boost Europeans' eSkills. According to recent reports, Europe is likely to face a growing eSkills shortage in coming years. Nevertheless, these skills are vital if the EU is to boost innovation and respond to global challenges. » MORE