
eUser Project

Best Practice Cases Collected from Ten EU Countries

Bonn (Germany), November 2006 - "The eUser project represents the first coherent effort to address the needs of the whole population in relation to online public services of public interest. While some countries like Denmark and the United Kingdom have a leading edge, European leaders have not done enough to tailor services to the users. Users will demand far more in the future, and there is room for improvement", says eUser project manager Werner B. Korte of Empirica GmbH. » MORE

eQuality Award

Supporting a New Philosophy of Quality in Europe

Berlin, November 2006 - At Online Educa Berlin, the European Foundation for Quality in eLearning (EFQUEL) will introduce the EFQUEL eQuality Award, which recognises excellence in eLearning processes. CHECKpoint eLearning talked to Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers, Coordinator European Research, University of Duisburg-Essen, about the objectives, the criteria, and the impacts of the award. » MORE

InWent - GTZ - DED

Cooperation for Sustainable Use of ICT

Bonn/Berlin (Germany), November 2006 - The Declaration of Principles stated by the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS 2003) indicated the necessity to "share information and knowledge". It thereby places emphasis on the particular importance of ICT within the context of Knowledge for Development. » MORE

Variety of Resources

ELearn ViP Material Available

Dueren (Germany), October 2006 - The EU project eLearning for Visually-Impaired People (eLearn-ViP) has ended. The project aimed at improving access to all kinds of eLearning services for the visually impaired through developing a variety of resources. » MORE

Africa and Middle East

Part 4 of MEDA-ETE to Giunti

Sestri Levante (Italy), October 2006 - Giunti Labs has been assigned component 4 of the EU Project MEDA-ETE "Education and Training for Employment" for introducing eLearning into African and Middle East / Mediterranean countries. » MORE

ICT in Education

Kaleidoscope Member Wins International Service Award

Laxenburg (Austria), October 2006 - Kaleidoscope member Rosa Maria Bottino (Istituto Tecnologie Didattiche, IT) was recently honoured with the Outstanding Service Award in Education by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) for her contributions to ICT in education in Europe. » MORE

Explore real problems in truly interactive environment

CrimcitySalford (UK) / Zirl (Austria), August 2006 - Bridging the gap between the currently available educational software and the more dynamic games software market is the goal of a project called CRIMCITY. Supported by funding by the SOCRATES-MINERVA action line of the European Commission, CRIMCITY tests the benefits and effectiveness of learning by means of VE and related technology and incorporates the strengths offered by the media. » MORE

Prestigious Pan-European Program

Romsey (UK), July 2006 - Bourne Training has completed the development of a prestigious programme for EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, to help educate air traffic staff and the general public about the impact of aviation on the environment. » MORE

New European Awards for Excellence

Berlin, July 2006 - To honour and stimulate high-quality Computer Support for Collaborative Learning (CSCL) research, design and development in Europe, the Kaleidoscope CSCL Special Interest Group has established three awards. » MORE