

Paris, November 2005 - EduXchange contributes to bridging the gap between the academic and corporate worlds. The main goal is to study and facilitate the deployment of viable business models based on the exchange of educational content between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and the corporate sector (large corporations and SMEs) at a European level. » MORE


Amsterdam, November 2005 - The European Union has started a four-year project called TENCompetence that will develop a standardized infrastructure for competence-based and lifelong learning. The Educational Technology Expertise Centre of the Open Universiteit Nederland will lead the project, which involves thirteen partners from nine countries. With this freely available infrastructure, the European Union aims to boost the European ambitions of competence-based lifelong learning. » MORE

Tunis E-skills Declaration

Tunis, November 2005 - European Commissioner Viviane Reding said at the UN World Summit on Information Society in Tunis, Tunisia that "an e-skills society is the most valid guarantee against exclusion." The Commissioner for the Information Society and Media addressed the e-Skills Capacity Building Symposium, which dealt with the key importance of ICT skills for bridging the digital divide. » MORE

Quality for eLearning Regions

Yorkshire, November 2005 - (by Vernon Jones and Barry Phillips) Do a Google search for -˜eLearning region' and how many matches do you think you'll get? A hundred? A Thousand? More? We tried and got three. How can that be? After all, we've all heard the phrase. Well, perhaps everyone has got the page numbers done, but we're all struggling to fill in the rest. » MORE

World Bank Activities

Madrid, November 2005 - The Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) is an initiative of the World Bank to promote knowledge-sharing in the belief that know-how is a key success factor to development. CEDDET, the Spanish affiliate together with public and private organizations, has developed a wide range of online training programmes. Irene Zurborn explained the role of CEDDET to CHECKpoint eLearning. » MORE


Schwarmstedt, September 2005 - Bit media has joined the EU's WELCOME project and is making a considerable contribution to the development of internationally certified eLearning programs for the technical trade. Initiator and consortium leader of the WELCOME project is the "Berufsbildungszentrum Hellweg", the Career Training Center in the area of Hellweg in the German state of North Rhine- Westphalia. Brussels is funding the project with 1.2 million euros. » MORE

Don't stop learning!

Brussels, September 2005 - The Commission decided on September 26, 2005 to grant over 30 million euros to European cooperation projects in the field of adult education. The package - funded by the Grundtvig action under the EU's education/training programme Socrates - will support 2,500 organisations involved in the general education of adults. » MORE

EureleA 2006 Drawing Close

Karlsruhe, September 2005 - EureleA - The deadline for the European eLearning Award - 15 October 2005 - is almost here! Concepts for job training and further education at EureleA eLearning can be submitted by any kind of organization. The main criterion for the award is the feasibility of transferring the concept and its methodology to other contexts and organizations. » MORE

Raising Skills across the Economy

London, July 2005 - Lifelong Learning UK (LLUK) will play an essential role in raising skills levels among young people and adults, said Bill Rammell, the Minister for Lifelong Learning, Further and Higher Education, speaking at the official launch of LLUK at the House of Commons. » MORE

ELearning Quality in Focus

Duisburg, May 2005 - The European Foundation for Quality in eLearning (EFQUEL), supported by the European Commission, will be an open and inclusive environment and process gathering expertise in quality development in European eLearning. The European Committee for standardization CEN is involved in eLearning Quailty standardization matters through its ISSS (Information Society Standardization System) unit. » MORE