European project
KNOWLEDGE BRIDGE to Improve European Water Quality
Essen (GER), July 2007 - KNOWLEDGE BRIDGE, the innovative European project for sustainable water management, has been launched. Its ambitious intention is to bridge the environmental divide in Europe. Thirteen partners from six European countries joined the project to promote and to improve the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). » MORE
DAD - a Digital Aided Guide for Fathers-to-be
Vienna (A), July 2007 - The digital aided guide for fathers-to-be is a free and anonymous online service successfully implemented in the Austrian market. With a financial contribution from the EC's eTEN Programme, the scope of the DAD guide has now been broadened to a European level. A market validation project being coordinated by the Austrian firm Webducation has just started. » MORE
Emerging Technologies in Learning
Vienna (A), June 2007 - The second issue of the International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning - iJet - has just been published. It focuses on the exchange of relevant trends and research results as well as on the presentation of practical experience gained while developing and testing elements of technology-enhanced learning. » MORE
Shaping a Learning Society in Europe
Milton Keynes (UK) / Sestri Levante (IT), June 2007 - The European learning industry is repositioning itself. The former eLearning Industry Group (eLIG) has become the European Learning Industry Group (ELIG). This is more than a cosmetic change: it reflects a major shift in the marketplace. ELIG will be co-chaired and led by Intel and Giunti Labs. » MORE
Global Campus 21 Interface Now Also in Chinese
Bonn (GER), June 2007 - A Chinese user interface is now available on the Global Campus 21 (GC21). It is another addition to the wide diversity of languages, which already include German, English, French, Russian, Arabic and - on a partner platform - Vietnamese. InWent, the developer, is planning to introduce a Portuguese version soon, too. » MORE
EU Supports Teacher Access to Learning Resources
Brussels (BE), May 2007 - The CALIBRATE (Calibrating eLearning in Schools) project brings together eight European Ministries of Education to carry out a multi-level project. The project will last from October 2005 to March 2008. Its key aim is to support the collaborative use and exchange of learning resources in schools by allowing teachers to access resources in a federation of learning repositories. » MORE
Initiative Sets up Network Access in Rural France
Pomeys (FR), May 2007 - One of the main obstacles to ICT deployment in European rural areas is the lack of cheap high-bandwidth Internet access when ADSL is not available. Alternative solutions exist, but they are expensive and reserved for professional uses (e.g. satellite access). Furthermore, the strategies for introducing ADSL in rural areas of the EU differ from country to country, and while some are already widely covered or plan to be, others will never implement ADSL everywhere because of specific geographical conditions. » MORE
Promoting the Use of Educational Technology
Heverlee (BE), May 2007 - The EU-funded Sputnic project intends to raise awareness of the beneficial impact of educational technologies that enhance international collaboration. Through the project website and various upcoming events, Sputnic spreads know-how from Minerva and other successful Socrates projects, providing a theoretical background as well as practical models and hands-on experience. » MORE
Partnership Opportunities between Europe and Africa
Dakar (SEN), May 2007 - START (also called the EuroAfrica-ICT initiative) is a project supported by the European Commission. It aims at connecting Sub-Saharan Africa and the European Union for ICT partnerships through the Framework Programme 7. Ken Lohento from the Panos Institute West Africa is Coordinator of the START initiative in West and Central Africa. He gives us an update on the situation. » MORE
Nelson Croom Develops Standards for EU Partners
London (UK), April 2007 - Nelson Croom has been working in partnership with the EU-funded Leonardo DaVinci programme on developing standards for Developing Administration and Customer Service Skills in Local Taxation (DACSSIL Tax). The DACSSIL Tax online learning programme enables local taxation administrators across Europe to set up and develop systems and processes that will improve their administration and customer services skills. » MORE