
Helios Project

Survey on the State of eLearning in Europe

Brussels (BE), March 2007 - The Helios project is looking for participants for a free online survey. The specific subject of this survey is the relationship between eLearning and innovation of learning systems, with specific regards to formal education. Helios is a European-Commission-supported research project aiming at establishing a sustainable observation platform to monitor the progress of eLearning in Europe vis-à-vis policy objectives and to forecast future scenarios of eLearning evolution. » MORE

eQuality Award

EFQUEL Announces eQuality Award Winners

Paris (FR), March 2007 - The European Foundation for Quality in eLearning (EFQUEL) has nominated two innovators to be honored with the first eQuality Awards, for using ICT to improve the quality and organisational relevance of learning. The prizewinners are the organisations that have demonstrated the highest quality of innovative use of learning technologies in support of learning and development. » MORE


Giunti Labs Provides Platform for ELU Initiative

Sestri Levante (IT), March 2007 - Giunti Labs, an eLearning and mobile learning content management solutions vendor has been selected as the overall Learning Content Management platform provider for the ELU (Enhanced Learning Unlimited) Initiative. ELU is a thirty-month European project whose target is to develop innovative TV learning solutions for an international consortium led by Ort France and including more than ten European universities and broadcasters. » MORE


Ten Years - European Telecoaching Institute

Freiburg (GER), February 2007 - The European Telecoaching Institute (ETI) celebrated the tenth anniversary of its foundation with a symposium. The term "telecoaching" was coined by ETI in 1996 to describe what was a completely new field of activity at the time: the remote professional design and support of learning processes using the Internet. » MORE


What If You Can't See the Computer Screen?

Hereford (UK)/ Dublin (IRL)/ Graz (AU)/ Hellrup (DK)/ Pavia (I)/ Bucharest (RO), February 2007 - There are some 450+ million people in the EU. Depending on the source, the number of people categorized as blind or visually impaired varies from around 1.5% to 4% of the population, depending on age, ethic grouping, etc. Taking a conservative 2% as a reasonable average, this means there are approximately nine million people who have some level of visual impairment. These individuals, of course, are entitled to equality of access to information, education, and training. » MORE

eLearning Papers

Executive summaries in Nineteen Languages

Brussels (BE), February 2007 - The European Commission's portal has launched a new digital publication on eLearning entitled eLearning Papers. An executive summary of each article is available in nineteen languages. The full texts are available in their original languages in PDF format. » MORE


Online Gaming and eLearning for Validation

Linz (AU) /Münster (GER)/Southampton (UK), January 2007 - Edutain@grid is an EU-specific targeted research project intended to apply grid technology - traditionally applied to "big science" - to improving user experiences in both online gaming and distance eLearning systems. » MORE

IMC International Researc

PROLIX: Custom training to meet business needs

Saarbrücken/Brussels, January 2007 - Knowledge is power in the new economy, and the EU research project PROLIX is developing innovative approaches to managing this key resource. PROLIX links skill-set management with business process optimisation. » MORE

Research Support

Open Archive for Research Launched

Grenoble (CH), December 2006 - The Kaleidoscope Network of Excellence (NOE) has launched TeLearn, the world's first internationally available Open Archive for technology-enhanced learning » MORE

The 7BN Euro Deal

Building the Knowledge Society

Brussels (B), December 2006 - The European Union has started a new seven-billion euro action program to cover learning opportunities from childhood to old age. The Lifelong Learning Program will run from 2007-2013. » MORE