European project
Unique System for lifelong Learning
Cologne (GER), July 2009 - The Columbus Portal is an eLearning platform that supports the lifelong learning processes of European citizens by offering professionally produced eLearning courses. In addition, the portal offers - as the first in the world for special interest and hobby content - a possibility to create with the easy-to-use authoring tool that is available to everyone on the portal training courses. » MORE
European University Quality Management
Valencia (ES), June 2009 - The UNI-QM project aims at creating a model and tools for quality management in lifelong-learning organisations and continuing education. The model and tools will be based on the EFQM model but applied in the field of lifelong learning, thus respecting its characteristics and needs. » MORE
Research Is the Best Learning Medicine
Saarbrücken (GER)/Sevenoaks (UK), June 2009 - IMC AG participates in three research projects regarding the identification of innovative web-based learning technologies on the national and international level. IMC's involvement is both financial and through development work and coordination roles. » MORE
ELearning for the Visually Impaired
Dueren (GER), May 2009 - The Consortium for ELearning Accessibility (C4EA) is an EC-funded project to improve the accessibility of eLearning services and products for blind and visually impaired people. The CD ROM with all project results can now be ordered from one of the project partners. » MORE
ELearning Platform for Age-Diverse Recruitment
Vienna (AT), May 2009 - Due to the youth-oriented hiring policies of enterprises, mature jobseekers are frequently being excluded from the recruitment process and stereotyped as being "too old" to do certain jobs. Mature@eu is an eLearning platform that aims to enable employers or personnel recruiters to introduce age-diverse recruitment policies and practice. » MORE
UN Institute for Training and Research Joins EFQUEL
Brussels (BE)/Geneva (CH), May 2009 - Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers, Vice-President of the European Foundation for Quality in eLearning, welcomed the first UN body to join the organization's Network: "That the United Nations Institute for Training and Research is now a member of the EFQUEL Network is a big step for our Foundation." » MORE
Creating a Tolerant and Understanding Global Society
Auckland (NZ), May 2009 - (by Richard Rowland) The One World Foundation was set up with the aim of bringing the cultures of the world closer together, especially for young people. The mission statement says that it seeks to create an infectious desire to learn more about other cultures and lifestyles among the people of the world and to allow them to help each other in this learning process. » MORE
New Director for the European Training Foundation
Turin (IT), May 2009 - Madlen Serban, Director of the National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training in Romania, has been appointed as the next Director of the European Training Foundation. Following a public recruitment procedure, the ETF's Governing Board chose Ms. Serban from a short list of three candidates put forward by the European Commission. » MORE
Immersed in Real-time Learning
Sestri Levante (IT), May 2009 - Leading-edge research under the 36-month, 12.9m euro project awarded by the European Commission to a consortium of thirteen leading European organisations is close to being able to use grid and cloud computing to provide the computing resources to bring learners together in both the real and virtual worlds. » MORE
MEDEA Awards: Open Call for Participation in 2009
Roosbeek (BE), April 2009 - The MEDEA Organising Committee has announced the start of a new MEDEA Awards year. MEDEA Awards were created to recognise and promote excellence in the production and pedagogical design of media-rich learning resources at all levels of education and to highlight good practice in the use of media and video in the classroom. » MORE