European project
ELENA - Creating a Smart Space for Learning
Vienna (AT), February 2010 - ELENA demonstrates the feasibility of smart learning spaces. These are platforms that allow the consumption of heterogeneous learning services via assessment tools, learning management systems, educational (meta) repositories, and live delivery systems such as videoconferencing. » MORE
Successful Year for eLearning in Europe
Essen (GER), February 2010 - The year 2009 was a very successful year for European eLearning standardization. Three new standardization projects were started, and as the highlight, the first European de-jure standard was published. "We are very pleased that the first official European Norm (EN) for eLearning was approved in consensus last year!", explains Christian M. Stracke, Vice-Chair of the European eLearning standardization body CEN/TC 353. » MORE
EU Study Visits Programme
Thessaloniki (GR), February 2010 - Would you like to explore education and training issues with your peers in other European countries? Are you interested in expanding your professional network? Do you wish to learn more about education and training policy and practice across Europe? Then perhaps it's time to participate in the EU's Study Visits Programme. » MORE
New Web Portal for Vocational Education and Training
Thessaloniki (GR), February 2010 - Cedefop, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, has brought its redesigned and updated Web pages under a new roof. The new Web portal has been conceived primarily with the needs of policy-makers, researchers, and social partners in mind. It also aims to serve practitioners and interested European citizens. » MORE
European Commission Funds Intelligent Reading System
Madrid (ES), November 2009 - The AGENT-DYSL project is developing an Intelligent Assistive Reading System that can help school-aged readers who have dyslexia to improve their reading. Children using the reading system receive personalized attention by the system, with customized presentation of reading material based on individual profiles built up through "observation" of each child reading the text on the system's viewing area and by recognizing their reading errors. » MORE
The Latest on Training Quality and Credit Transfer
Thessaloniki (GR)/Brussels (BE), November 2009 - Cedefop and the European Commission's Directorate General for Education and Culture have introduced new European tools: the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework (EQARF) and the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET). » MORE
Lifelong Learning Programme Call for Proposals 2010
Brussels (BE), November 2009 - The European Commission's new Life Long Learning Programme (LLP) supports learning opportunities from childhood to old age in every life situation. The next deadline for transversal programmes, which include Key Activity 3 ICT, is 31 March 2010. » MORE
The EFQUEL Board of Directors Would Like You to Know ...
Brussels (BE), September 2009 - In 2007, Dr. Claudio Dondi was elected president of EFQUEL during the annual General Membership Meeting at the EDEN conference in Lisbon. The commitment is Dr. Dondi's third: The very experienced European professional also plays leadership roles in SCIENTER and MENON. The same year, Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers assumed EFQUEL's vice-presidency. He works at the University of Duisburg-Essen, which is one of the founding members of EFQUEL. The organization was established as one of the end-products of the TRIANGLE project in 2004. » MORE
Groundwork Laid for the 2011 Cedefop Survey
Thessaloniki (GR), July 2009 - The aim of the fourth Continuing Vocational Training Survey (CVTS4) is to provide targeted data for policy-makers on emerging policy needs. Researchers are able to provide in-depth data analyses on the basis of the survey, but there is also considerable scope for better and more sophisticated use of such analyses by policy-makers. » MORE
WEBACAD Manages EU Project with OutStart's Software
Eschborn (GER), July 2009 - WEBACAD, an eLearning content development company, has chosen the OutStart learning content management system (LCMS) to develop, manage, maintain, and deliver eLearning content for an online training initiative known in Europe as the Certified European ELearning Manager (CELM) program. » MORE