Deeper Learning
Creating Conditions for Deeper Learning in Science
Athen (GR), April 2019 - Creating Conditions for Deeper Learning in Science, the event of the Open Classroom Conference (OCC) series, will take place 29-30 June 2019. Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Athens co-organises the event with the European Distance and E-learning Network.
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Santa Rosa, CA (USA), November 2018 - As a learning designer, analyst, author, and president of Learning Peaks, USA, Patti Shank is internationally recognized. She works with organizations to analyze and find solutions for organizational performance needs and is regularly asked to speak at conferences and to train trainers, instructors, designers, and experts. At OEB Global 2019, you can hear her in two sessions: in the Debate Plenary on Thursday evening and in "Managing Memory for Deeper Learning" on Friday, 07 December from 11:45 to 13:00.