Education in Europe from Resistance to Recovery
Brussels (BE), April 2021 - On 31 March 2021, The European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) held the online conference "Education in Europe from Resistance to Recovery: Public Investment, Privatisation, Reforms, and the Role of Industrial Relations". This was the final event showcasing a yearlong research project coordinated by ETUCE under the title "Social Dialogue and Industrial Relations in Education: the Challenges of Multi-level Governance and of Privatisation in Europe". More than 100 participants attended the event and engaged with a panel of expert speakers from the academic community, civil society organisations, government, and representatives of European institutions.
» MORE"A Fairer Europe for Workers"
Vienna (A), July 2019 - The 14th Congress of the European Trade Union Confederation gathered trade unions in Vienna to discuss "A Fairer Europe for Workers". The 699 delegates, of whom 48.5% were women and 10% were young people, discussed the European Pillar of Social Rights.