

"Aktiv Digital – Neue Bildungszugänge für Unternehmen"

Althengstett, August 2017 - Am 13. September startet der Call for Papers zum eTrainer-Kongress 2018. Neben den bisherigen Zielgruppen - eTrainer und Webinaranbieter - sollen nun auch vor allem Unternehmen und Personalentwickler angesprochen werden, die an digitaler Weiterbildung verstärkt Interesse signalisieren.


Banking Simulation

Global Bank to Challenge over 600 Graduates

Hertfordshire (UK), May 2017 - Business Smart International, a leading business-simulation company, will deliver an engaging and innovative live-simulation event for a global banking client. In a prestigious London hotel, over 600 high-calibre graduates will take control of a virtual bank and navigate it through a simulated four years of business in a challenging marketplace. 


Health and Safety

Acheson and Glover Chooses Kallidus Content Services

Cirencester (UK), May 2017 - Acheson and Glover Ltd manufacture a wide range of construction and landscaping products for both the commercial and residential sectors. They employ over 400 staff and have a very broad and diverse customer base of both construction professionals and domestic consumers. All of their Health and Safety Training was previously done face to face and took over an hour, putting a lot of strain on the training department.


tts Forum

Putting Practical Experience into Action

Heidelberg (GER), April 2017 - tts, a German eLearning provider, is about to hold its thirteenth "tts Forum" at the Print Media Academy in Heidelberg. Attendees at this specialist conference for corporate learning, talent management, and performance support can look forward to thirteen exciting speeches and presentations on 27 April. Like every year, the event will be opened by a keynote speaker; this year’s guest is Sascha Lobo, one of Germany's leading internet visionaries.


Forum Interaktiv

"Die Digitalisierung der Lernwelt" am 18. Mai in Wien

Wien, März 2017 - Unter dem Motto "Die Digitalisierung der Lernwelt: Vom eLearning zum Enabling" geht es am 18. Mai 2017 in Wien um die praxisnahe Unterstützung bei Qualifizierungs- und Veränderungsprojekten. Die Know How! AG Austria bietet diesen Workshop-Tag mit Best Practice Vorträgen – zum Kennenlernen oder Wiedersehen, mit Zeit für Networking in angenehmer Atmosphäre an.



Ger Driesen Becomes Learning Innovation Leader at aNewSpring

Ger DriesenRotterdam (NL), February 2017 - To provide customers with inspiration on learning, aNewSpring has hired Ger Driesen as Learning Innovation Leader. Training companies are noticing that the expectations of their clients are changing. To meet these changing expectations, Ger will provide inspiration and ideas in the realm of learning. He will provide inspiring content about learning presented as blogs, checklists, and (online) events. Ger will also play an active role in the learning community to help create new breakthroughs and insights.


Southampton Solent University

How to Meet Diversity and Equality with Video eLearning

Southampton (UK), January 2017 - With an industry-leading approach to teaching a diverse student body and working with employees from many different backgrounds, Southampton Solent University is breaking new ground both in its research and its academic approach. Now, Southampton Solent University is the first to use new diversity video training from Marshall E-Learning, which takes into account millennials’ preferred learning style by being 90% video led.


Business-Smart Bankers

Global Bank Tests 500 Graduates in Simulation

Business smartLondon (UK), October 2016 - Business Smart International, a leading business-simulation company, has recently delivered one of the most engaging and innovative live simulation events for one of its global-banking clients. In a prestigious London hotel, 500 high-calibre graduates took control of a virtual bank and navigated it through a simulated four years of business in a challenging marketplace.


Crashkurs am Vortag

Best Practices bei den 12. Stuttgarter Wissensmanagement-Tagen

Stuttgart, September 2016 - Am 15. Und 16. November 2016 ist es wieder soweit, die Wissensmanagement-Tage in Stuttgart gehen in die 12. Runde. Die Zeitschrift "wissensmanagement – Das Magazin für Führungskräfte" lädt zum alljährlichen Treffen in die Stuttgarter Liederhalle. 


Ganzheitlicher Ansatz

Ein neuer eLearning-Prozess für die PBeaKK

Stuttgart, August 2016 - 20 Standorte, rund 1.100 Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen – und ein neuer, moderner eLearning-Prozess. Die Know How! AG stellt nicht nur das Learning Management System "Course Manager" für die Postbeamtenkrankenkasse (PBeaKK) zur Verfügung, sondern begleitet die gesamte Umstellung von der Implementierung bis zur Betreuung.